11: Masturbation

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The 8 minute car ride felt like 8 hours. Kyle was the one who found me in an alley, sitting down with knees to my chest just staring at wall that was across from me.

Whenever Kyle found me he sat right beside of me, and called Stan. And now I'm here, riding in an old red truck back to the house that I was forced to go to.

"What the fuck was that." Stan said, with his eyes still on the road.

"I had an episode my bad." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "You know Stan you always say that you care about me but the moment I have an episode you're always on my ass instead of comforting me."

"Don't you get it? I'm always on your ass because I do care about you!" He took a long pause. "My dad wasn't always there when I needed him, I didn't have anybody to 'get on my ass' whenever I'm feeling depressed or when I feel like everything is shit. I've been out of my body since I was 9. I quickly lost joy in everything. That's why I keep losing Wendy."

I knew Stan was somewhat depressed just by his overall well being, but I didn't know he lost Wendy because of it.

Stan continued, "She keeps cheating on me because she knew that I can't find joy and can't even feel joy. Being around her doesn't strike anything inside of me. She quickly got the idea when we were 9 and started cheating because she wanted to feel loved."

"Then why does she keep crawling back to you?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "She wants the relationship to work. What I'm trying to say is that I want to be strict with you so you wont fall down a rabbit hole. I know you're not there yet because I see a completely different person when you're around Kenny. I don't know what makes Kenny so special, but I don't want your relationship to be like mine."

"Stan...that's really sweet of you. But I don't need somebody to be strict with me. All I want is comfort."

"You still don't get it, Kenny is comforting you, do you not see it? He's always around you, always asking if you're okay, always asking me if you're okay. He told me when you spent the night with him you told him about your arms and that he was hurt, by a lot. And he wanted to hold you but I guess he chickened out and only awkwardly hugged you."

I bit the inside of my cheek, I didn't know how to feel when Stan told me about Kenny. I never meant for Kenny to learn so much about me in a small amount of time, I didn't wanna seem weak or crazy.

We pulled up to the drive way, before we got out I put my hand on Stan's shoulder.

"Thanks for being strict I guess, it shows that you care."

"Tough love cuz, tough love."

We walked inside and Sharon and Randy still wasn't home.

"Are you okay though? I know you probably don't want to talk about what happened but if you do you can always talk to me. And Kenny."

"I feel better, and give it some time and then I can talk about it. Are you okay?"

He put his hands in his pocket. "I stopped drinking for you, so i'm somewhat okay." He went upstairs and I heard him close his bedroom door.

This is now my 2nd week in South Park High. The shrilling 1st bell rang and I walked with Stan to our 1st period, Mr Garrison and whatever he teaches.

"Alright clsss we're gonna talk about AIDS. Now who here has AIDS?"

Cartman raised his hand. "Oo Oo I know! Kyle does!"

"Shut up fat ass you're the one who gave them to me. And we don't even have AIDS anymore!"

The entire room looked at them.

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