8: Stoned

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Friday finally came along. Stan was drunk again and I didn't feel like riding the bus. Stan ended up giving me Kyles number so I can text him if he could pick me up.

Kyle: yeah, but cartman is with me, you still down?
Me: yeah

I waited by the front door and saw his car roll up, I left without saying anything to Sharon and Randy and made my way to the car.

I opened it and sat in the back seat behind Cartman. "Thanks for giving me a ride."

"Of course, sucks that Stan is getting drunk again." Kyle said.

"He's ending up like his father." Cartman laughed a little too loud. "Sorry Incest I know that's your uncle."

I didn't say anything. I was still wearing the hoodie from last night but with actual medical gauze around my arms so the toilet paper won't sneak out this time. We passed the bus stop and saw Kenny there standing.

"Kyle can we let Kenny ride? I feel bad."

Kyle agreed and stopped right in front of Kenny. He rolled down his window before saying, "Need a ride?"

Kenny nodded his head and got in the backseat. "Oh hey Y/n, Stan drunk again?" He said with his voice being muffled.

I nodded my head. I didn't feel like talking but I do feel better from yesterday but just extremely exhausted.

"Y/n I've been meaning to ask you this," Kyle said, "Were you okay yesterday? Like during your chlamydia presentation you looked so out of it."

"She was probably thinking about her incest family."

"Cartman those jokes are getting old real quick," Kyle replied.

"Just a bad day I guess." They seemed to believe me. I don't know if Kenny did, considering that he saw toilet paper from my hoodie.

"Thanks again Kyle!" I yelled before entering the house. Sharon and Randy were both gone I'm assuming because I didn't see them in the living room, and I didn't hear any arguing. I walked to where Stans room is and knocked on the door, and then opening it.

Stan was passed out, bottles everywhere. How does his parents not notice this? I tried to wake him up to see if he's doing alright.

"Stan? Wake up." I shook him hard so I know he would wake up.  He opened his eyes and wince from the sunlight. "Stan what's up?"

"Nothing." I guess the nap let him sober up. "Why have you been drinking? You know that I'm worried about you too."

"What I can't drink in peace?" He said, feeling annoyed.

"Just try to drink at night, please?" He looked at me and nodded his head before closing his eyes again. I sighed and walked out of his room and shutting his door, making my way to my plain room and sitting down on the bed. My phone dinged and I got a message from an unknown number.

:this is kenny, kyle gave me ur number if that's alright

Me: yeah that's fine


Night time rolled around, it was roughly 9 and Sharon and Randy were already in the bed. Stan was probably asleep or still drinking. I'm actually worried about Stan, like real worried. I want to tell Sharon and Randy but Stan would hate me for that and then he'll make me not hang out with his friends. My phone dinged, I looked at the screen that illuminated my dark room.

Kenny: wanna smoke? idk if you know where i live but i can sneak to your house to come get you

Should I reply? I haven't smoked weed since June, I know my tolerance would be super low so that's a plus. But I'm also afraid because usually I smoke by myself, I never done it with anybody.

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