1: Colorado

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TW for almost every chapter, talks about hospitals, sh, mental illnesses.


After being in a place for so long that feels like a prison, being home is a weird feeling. Because home was where it started, what made me get sent to the Behavioral Hospital. Arriving home felt like I was arriving at a crime scene of some sort. At any moment I could snap again and get sent right back to that depressing, cold place.

I set my things down in my room. There was a rug covering up the "accident." I'm assuming my parents put it there after getting sent to that place. I sighed and laid on my bed, looking at the popcorn ceiling.

About 5 minutes of complete silence I heard footsteps coming near my bedroom door and opening it rather harsh. My parents stood in the door way looking at me.

"Pack your bags." My mom said sternly.

I raised my eyebrow. "I just got back are you sending me there again?"

She sighed. "Youre taking a plane ride to South Park, Colorado and will be living at my brothers house and his family."

"Randy? Oh no I am not going over there. Colorado is the complete opposite of Alabama." I sat up in my bed, with my legs swung over edge.

My dad started to talk. "We can't handle you and your breakdowns. This is the 3rd time this year where you went crazy and got sent to the hospital. You aren't getting better, and it puts a lot of stress on your mother and I."

Before I argued my mother put her hand up, indirectly telling me that they're not done talking.

"We were talking and it would be the best for you to switch up the environment and live somewhere else for this school year." She added.

"For this school year? This is my senior year you're telling me that I can't graduate at the school I went to for 4 years?" At the moment I stood up, backing away against the window. An impulsive thought came across my mind and told me to jump out of it, but rationally at most i'll get a sprained ankle.

"We know but it's a fresh start and you only have to be there for a year, and if you're better you can come home." Dad stated.

"Yeah if i'm better, i'm probably gonna be dead if I have to go there." I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n." Mom raised her voice, "You're going to get therapy from there, and I told Randy to make sure you're going over there every day."

"So he already knows? And everyday? I'm gonna get made fun of."

"Well Y/n we don't know what to do." Dad crossed his arms. "The plane takes off tomorrow at 8:30 AM. Go ahead and pack now, we'll drive you to the airport. No arguing." They both left and shut my door. Leaving me alone in my room.

I looked over at the rug, hesitantly picking it up to see the stain on my floor. They didn't bother to clean it, or maybe they tried but it was too late. I dropped it and my eyes laid upon the drawer. I know that during those 2 months I learned how to do breathing techniques and mindfulness, different coping skills. But nothing seems to work. No matter how hard I try I would still have the urges.

I opened the drawer, but not to my surprise everything in it was gone.

"Great just fucking great."

I cleaned out the duffel bag and added new clothes in there. 7 days worth of clothes since there's a weight limit at the airport. I know I'll be fine because Uncle Randy has a washing/dryer machine. Hopefully. I stuffed everything that I need. Coats, makeup, Nintendo Switch and it's games, hair styling stuff, PJ's and some coloring books. If there's one thing that I like from that hospital was that we colored. But they gave us these Dollar Tree crayons that would break easily and just would not color right.


I didn't get any bath stuff since I was planning on using theirs.

The last time I saw them was when I was probably 8. I stayed over there for the summer and played with Stan's friends. I don't remember much to be honest. I do remember that one of them was always an ass to me and the other didn't talk very much, and when he did I couldn't understand him. I wonder if Stan is still friends with those guys.

I got ready for bed and excitedly crawled into my bed. I missed sleeping in my own bed, the blankets and pillows smothering me but that's how I liked it. To bad that I can't sleep in my own bed until the school year is over. God this is so stupid.

My alarm on my phone went off at 5:30 AM. I would complain but during those 2 months they would wake us up every hour to see if we're alive or something.

I got ready, putting on a long sleeve shirt with joggers since I'll be on that long ass plane ride, I might as well be comfy. Colorado in August is usually low 70s high 60s. It may not seem cold but living in south Alabama where it's high 80s in August is 2 completely different things. Basically I'm gonna be cold as hell in this awful low 70s weather.

Without my parents and I saying a word they drove me to the airport. We arrived there around 7:00 AM. God why the hell are we here so early. The place was pretty much empty since school was starting back soon. So hopefully the plane wouldn't be so packed.

We checked in, showing the workers the ticket that my parents bought about a week ago before I arrived home. They weighed my bag and put a green tag on the handle. The workers motioned me to go through the security X ray, making sure that I'm not a terrorist or something.

My parents and I sat on the chairs in the lobby, waiting for me to board. I held the small book bag in my hand that has my charger and headphones in it.

"Boarding flight 828."

"Guess that's me." I said in a monotoned voice.

I stood up with my parents. They looked at me and gave me a short hug, I was expecting it to be longer. They quickly let go.

"Call us when you get there. Or actually make Uncle Randy call us." Mom said.

They walked off without saying bye or love you.

"Yeah love you too." I mumbled before walking away.

I boarded the plane, luckily there was not a lot of people on the plane. I looked at my seat number and I got the window. Thank God.

The flight attendant was talking about seatbelt safety but I zoned out. Not really caring about it, hell Final Destination has always been a favorite movie of mine, other than (favorite movie).

I looked out the window, watching the plane fly off. Goodbye Alabama.

hey y'all, thanks for reading this chapter. Again almost every chapter is going to talk about some heavy stuff, such suicide, self harm, depression etc.

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