The end

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I am really sorry that. It is taking so long now, but I keep on changing things and times keep changing. But this is the end.😃
{regular pov}
"Wow! That was awesome!" Kid says as the the girls transform back to human form. Maka runs up to hug kid. "That was amazing kid!" She says then kisses him. " Liz, patty, half form your half form won't be the pistols, it will be the the death canons that took a resonance before." Lord death says. Liz and patty hold out their arm and it glows a bright pink and both their arms turn into the the death canons. Maka conjures a wall for them to shoot and them the the red a green charge over takes their arm canons and the the reaper skull goes over the two sisters and a resonating charge like when they would resonate with Kid and they shoot the the wall that maka made. They get up and they look at kid. Liz and patty run up to kid and hug him. "Thanks kid, I couldn't of asked you for anything more" Liz says. "Thanks, you truly helped us kid" patty says in a serious tone. What they said truly could make anyone cry. Kid says to his father. " I am gonna see you tomorrow, I am gonna make dinner for these guys and make sure you and spirit get some sleep, you need to be rested up for you wedding." Kid says as walks slowly with the weeping sisters. They leave and they get home. Kid makes a dinner for them and puts them to sleep and maka and kid go to sleep.
The next day
"Morning maka" kid says as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "Morning kid" she says as she gets up and gets undressed to take a shower. "I am gonna take a shower" maka says as she walks into the bathroom and runs the water. Kid walks in and he starts brushing his teeth. And combing his hair. Maka walks out and gets startled. " Kid! He long have you been their?!" Maka asks. "Well, I needed to brush my teeth and comb my hair so I came in here and I did what I needed to do" kid says calmly. Maka grabs a towel and goes back in their room and gets changed into a black dress like lord death wanted for the flower girls. Maka walks down into the kitchen and puts on her black combat boots. "Maka, you shouldn't wear your boots. You should wear heels" Liz says as her and her sister come down in black dresses. Maka shapes her fingers and the boots turn into ballet flats. "That better?" Maka says annoyed she can't wear her comfy boots. "Yes" Liz says. The skulls still appeared on the side of her shoes but they looked shinier. Kid came down in a tux but he had a box with two rings. "I am guessing Liz made you change your shoes?" Kid asked pointing to the black ballet flats. "Yeah, she's a buzz kill" maka said. "Look, it's our dad's wedding, we have go look good. It's only gonna be us and the faculty" kid said. "Liz, patty weapon form" kid said. "Tsugumi, weapon form." Maka said and the weapons obediently did. Maka fired up her shoes and kid summoned his skateboard. They flew skillfully towards the DWMA and they were about to go to the tower of where the death room is located until maka got hit by a rock and she wobbled. "The hell? I just got hit by a rock!" She said. Kid and her look down and see Soul, BlackStar and Tsubaki. They flew down there. "Is there a reason you hit my wife with a rock?" Kid said emphasizing 'wife'. "Kid, what you did to maka was wrong!" Soul hissed. Maka looks at kid then at soul. "You have no right to meddle with my family and if you try you know what will happen! Plus, what will you do? We are married and she is a shinigami" kid says. "What are you talking about kid?" Maka says. "Never mind it, its nothing. He is just being a stupid ex who wants you back" kid spits like its venom. Kid punches off the ground and his shoes make his fly. "come on maka" kid says. Maka does the same and flys after him. They get to the tower and kid opens a window and they fly in. The weapons turn out of their weapon form and stretch and fix their clothing. Maka and kid walk up to the alter and stand together side by side holding the opposite parents ring. They both hold the rings in their magic and they say. "Watashi no atarashī oya e no ryōkōna kibō to ai. Watashi wa itsumo anata o aishi, kazoku ni kangei sa remasu." And the rings glow very bright and and soon it falls into their hands. "Kid, can you marry them, I don't know all the verses" maka asks. "Of Corse, I would love to, all you have to do is put the ring on my father's hand." Kid says. A huge lightning bolt appears and a tall man who was wearing a waving cloak and his hair was midnight black and had red eyes, and his hands were bones. The woman that was with him had long black hair but it looked very thin, her hands were bones too and she was wearing a dress thin dress where you could she her ribs. They both were very thin. They sit down in the first row of the chairs. Most of the humans wondered who they were, and the Meisters there could see they were stronger than lord death. Lord death comes in stands at the alter waiting for spirit, he sees the strang reaper couple. He blinks his eyes in shock. "Mother? Father? I thought it was impossible to get out of the death land!" Lord death says happily walking up to the old reapers. They get up and hug him. Kid looks in shock at them. They stop hugging and lord death gestures for kid to come over to them. Kid walks up with doubt and stops behind his father. "Who are they and why have I never met them?" Kid asks cautiously. "They are my parents, the reason you never met them was they died before you were born. They died from protecting me from a threat when I was young" he said. "It is shinigami nature to protect the young when they are in danger" the old woman said. "Remember when I protected you from Asura, your brother. That was the only thing that was going through my mind when he said your name" lord death says. "What is their names?" Kid says looking at them. "My mothers name is Haha no shi, my fathers name is Chichi no shi" (the names are mother death and father death) "I don't understand, why are you here?" Lord death asks his parents. "we herd you where getting married, so, we had to come" she said. They sit down as the wedding march comes on. Kid and lord death get in their positions. Spirit comes in and he joins lord death at the alter. ( again gonna skip the vows, for as I don't know them) "do you death take spirit albarn as your husband?"kid asked his father. "I do" lord death says. "Spirit albarn, do you take death as you husband" kid asked his other father. "I do" spirit said. Maka and kid put the rings on there fathers. Lord death and spirit get lifted with a wind and are up in the air. "Wow" spirit says looking down. A big pair of wings comes off spirit's soul and spirit drifts towards lord death and kisses him. A black pair of wings comes off lord death's soul obviously influenced by spirit. The reaper snake coils around spirits soul as their souls influence each other's soul the hug as for the wind pulls them apart for they are opposites, for lord death is a death demon and spirit is an angel. Everyone on the ground looks in shock at this amazing sight. They rocket to the ground, spirit shifts so he will get impacted and wrappers his arms around his immortal lover. They land on the ground and lord death gets off spirit. "are you stupid or something? Why didn't you get on top of me? I could of survived that, spirit, just because your a weapon means your stronger to impact than a shinigami" lord death says to his new husband. "Hey death, who are those people? *pointing at lord death's parents* I may be weapon but I can tell they are way stronger than you" spirit says. "Their my parents" he says. They get up and walk towards the the new wedded couple. "Nice to meet you" they say. "Goodbye death. We will meet again in death land" the the father says in a booming low voice. They jump off and they are off in a flash. Maka and kid walk up to their parents and hug them. "Love you" they says. "We need to go. See you on Monday" they say. Their weapons turn into weapon form and they leave through a window. They fly by the entrance and a rock hits kid and he falls off his skateboard. "Kid!" Maka yells. Kid balanced himself and landed on the ground without hurting himself. "I am guessing you want to talk?" Kid says to Soul, BlackStar and Tsubaki. Maka lands and glares at Soul and BlackStar. "Maka" tsubaki says sadly. Maka snaps her hands and she is in her combat attire. "Maka, I didn't want to break up with you! Lord death and kid threatened me!" Soul says. "As if, you stupid jerk! Father and kid are so sweet, they are too nice to threaten! I am guessing you told your stupid sob story to them too?" Maka snaps at soul and then points to tsubaki and tsubaki. "It eyed to talk to kid, he threatened me too!" BlackStar said. "You have really brainwashed your friends haven't you soul?" Kid says meanly. "Kid wouldn't lie to me! You two are so Mean, you never really liked him did you? When you first met him, you duelled him, now you are being stupid and saying he would threaten." Maka says. Kid shoots the ground in front of soul and BlackStar. "I won't shoot at tsubaki as she is only following because a weapon must listen to their Meister." Kid says. Maka and kid jump in the air and fly off to gallows manor. Tsugumi, Liz and patty return to human form and go to their side of the mansion. Maka and kid go to their side of the manor. Kid picks up maka and pins her on the bed. "Hey maka, do you want to have a baby?" Kid ask.

Okay, this is the end, tell me if you want another book, if you don't want one, I will stop right here! I am serious because I will start making a new story, I am debating between a Soulxkid or Steinxmaka so yeah, I am dead serious. For the last time.

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