A weapon for maka

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I do not own soul eater
I do not own soul eater NOT
Hope you guys are liking my fanfiction and enjoying it. I want to take a break from lord death and spirit and their wedding, do their wedding is in one week because I thought of something crucial and I want to do in the fanfiction.
Oh, and I have a new cover in mind for this book, please check it out! It is the photo for this chapter.
READ THIS!!!!!!!------------------
{normal P.O.V.}
Kid and maka wake up from their sleep. "Morning maka, how was your sleep?" Kid asked the blonde. "Great, make Liz and patty pancakes, I'm not hungry" she says. "Okay" he says. He goes into the washroom and a minute later he comes out in his tux with brushed teeth and combed hair. "Kid, why do you brush your teeth, you haven't eaten anything stinky?" Maka sakes him. "Well, my natural breath is described as death itself and I am a 'death god' I have to brush my teeth, you should too. Your breath should start to smell like that soon" he says as he leaves the room. He walks down stairs as he starts making breakfast for the pistols. maka comes down in her outfit and her new boots. The weapon sisters come down and start to eat. "Hey maka, when are you gonna get a new partner?" Liz asks. "I don't know, I will find one at school. I could get a NOT student, most don't have a Meister." SHe says. Maka is making sandwiches for the sisters to eat as a snack for later. "Maka, can you carry Liz and patty, I have to carry my homework that my father assigned for me" he says as he gestures to the cluttered living room table full of heavy textbooks and many papers full of writing. He walks over to it and starts to put it in his back-pack. Liz and patty turn into pistol form and maka grabs them, they walks out the door and maka's shoes glow as she starts to take off. Kid summons his skateboard and gets on with the huge back-pack on his back. They get there and Liz and patty walk towards their weapon training. The couple walks towards the death room and arrives there shortly. They open the door and see spirit drinking coffee and lord death just looking through his drawers for aspirin. "Father what are you looking for?" kid asked. "Aspirin, spirit went out drinking with stein and Sid and they had a drinking contest" lord death says causally. Maka snaps and an aspirin bottle appears in her hand. She walks over and gives it to her papa. He grabs one and swallows it with his coffee. He rests his head on the tables and groans. Lord death rubs his back with one of his huge fingers. Kid hand his father his shinigami homework and his father levitates it into a drawer. "father, I need a weapon, I understand I can defend myself but I still want a weapon." maka says. "Well, you would have to get one from the NOT program, no weapons are in the EAT program without a Meister." Lord death says. "Okay, I will go to the class." Maka says. "I will tell Sid" lord death says. Kid and maka leave together and they split.
(I am gonna follow maka, kid is just gonna have classes, nothing special with him)
Maka walks into the class. "Okay, we have a senior EAT student in our class, she needs a partner because her weapon split up with her. She only wields scythes and scythe like weapons" Sid says. All the weapons looks in awe at maka. She notices a sweet young girls with pigtails just like hers and has midnight black hair. "Hi, I am maka, what's your name" maka says to tsugumi. "Hi, I am tsugumi, I am a halberd" she says to the strong Meister. "Do you want to partner?" Maka says. "Yeah, miss Anya and Meme left me for better weapons" Tsugumi says sadly. "Well okay, we shall go to lord death to tell him" maka says. She gets up and gestures for the new weapon to follow. "Sid I chose a weapon, I am gonna go to father and tell him who I chose" maka says. Tsugumi looks shocked on how she just referred to lord death. maka and Tsugumi get to the death room and walk in. "Hi papa, father" she says happily. "Who is this maka?" Lord death says. "This is Tsugumi Harudori, she is a halberd" maka says. "Okay Tsugumi, you will be fighting on a different level, I am not talking about the EAT level, I mean shinigami level, since maka is a new shinigami." He says."oh,okay" she stutters. "It'll be okay, I am a strong Meister." Maka says. "Well, you need to go to class, being her, I believe it is paring training with Marie and stein" lord death says. Maka goes up and hugs her 7 foot father and then leaves with Tsugumi. They enter and they sit down. "Hello maka, hello new comer, is this your new weapon maka?" Stein asked. "yes, she is a halberd" maka says. "tsugumi, transform" he says. she closes her eyes and soon she is glowing a bright pink. Her body dissolves in the magic and is now a pink sharp braid and goes In front of maka. She grabs on and they magic solids and turns into a weapon. Maka spins the weapon with ease. "Seems you too have matching wavelengths" stein says. "That and, shinigami's can master any weapon" maka says as she spins and twirls the white weapons. "Okay, the class was just practicing soul resonance and hitting those walls with the attack" he says as he points to a line of walls. Maka walks over to where kid and the pistols are destroying their wall. "Okay Tsugumi, we are gonna soul resonance. Do you know how to do that?" Maka asks the weapon. "Yeah, but I am not very good at it. Anya and meme would have to take the lead." She says. "okay, you focus on your soul and their soul. Then you match your breathing, after you focus on my wavelength and make it strong, the stronger my wavelength is, the bigger your weapon from will be" maka says. The young girl closes her eyes and soon she sees a little blue soul with wings and a reaper snake warping around the small soul. She goes towards the soul and hugs it, soon the small soul expands and grows. She opens her eyes and soon she feels maka breathing and her breathing mend together. "SOUL RESONANCE" they yell together. Tsugumi's form becomes a huge halberd with magic pulsing around her. (The size of genie hunter) Soon numbers and power levels show themself in her black room. "Black needle wavelength charge 87% and resonance rate 5.4" Tsugumi reads. Maka swings the huge weapon at the will and it obliterates. Tsugumi transforms and is panting. "You okay?" Maka asks her new weapon. "Yeah, just a little exhausted" she replie. Maka looks over and kid is on his knees with two death canons. "Black needle soul wavelength charge feedback in 5" Liz says.
"4" patty says
"3" Liz says
"2" patty says.
"1" Liz says
"Ready to fire" patty says happily.
(You don't understand how fustrating that was!)
As kid pulls the triggers and two huge balls of light hurdle towards the wall that kid was hitting a it turns to dust. Stein walks over two the two married reaper as the weapons of these strong Meisters go to hydrate and catch there breath. "Great job maka and kid. You two are the strongest in the class." stein says. "Kid, can in use you as an exsample for the other students? Maka I would have asked you, but you need to check on your weapon she seems lethargic" stein says as he points to the young weapon throwing up in a trash can want Liz and patty comforting her. Maka walks over. "Why is she sick, soul didn't do that after we first resonated" maka asked. "Well, you and soul resonated when you where human. A reapers soul is very toxic to a human on first resonance, I made sure patty didn't get sick when we first resonated so I only got sick. But still it will only happen this one time" Liz says. Kid calls patty and Liz and they walk over maka watches as she rubs her weapons back. Kid puts his hands out to signal the girls to transform. They become pistols and land in kids hands. "SOUL RESONANCE!" Kid yells up to the sky. (Like just before he gets impaled by Asura in the anime) his soul becomes jaw dropping huge. All the Meisters become amazed at his strength, soon kids Sonzu lines start to connect?

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