Chapter 4: hostage

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I looked up at Brent who was holding me down yet again and he was waving this mini flamethrower sword in my face saying he was gonna hurt me with it.

So many emotions was hitting me like a bus anger confusion sadness out of all of that I couldn't understand why he wanted to hurt me so badly?.

like I barely knew him enough for me to have done anything for him to want to get revenge.

he was that popular football player that all the girls in my school wanted.

all except for me he was a playboy and a jerk who bullied people weaker than him if they didn't do what he wanted.

but he's never asked me for anything all of this is so out of the blue.

that of all people in this school Brent was the one who is attacking me

Tears welded up in my eyes why? I said choked up.

What? Said Brent confused.

Why? Do you hate me so much what did I ever do to you?! I said a tears streamed down my face.

Because no one gets to reject me and get away with it I'm gonna teach you a lesson then you're gonna come back to me said Brent as he looked very delusional.

What? I said confused what do you mean rejected you? I said trying to understand with the hell he was talking about.

At the prom last year you rejected me said Brent.

What? I said as I looked at him baffled I didn't even go last year I said.

That what I meant said Brent I waited for you all night and you didn't show up.

First of all I said as I started to understand what was happening at first I didn't know who sent me the letter asking I said.

but I was happy someone finally asked me I said as I looked away from him since everyone here hates me.

I even bought a dress and everything but Henry Anderson told me it was you I was shocked but I still didn't care.

then he told me it was because of a bet and. That you where planing to prank me once we started the floral dance.

he told me he heard you talking to your friends I was so upset that I didn't go I said as my eyes watered over and I turned away from him

So I thought you rejected me I said as I looked back at him.

Henry said Brent full of disgust I'm gonna kill him said Brent.

But even if I did I said angry that doesn't give you the right to torture me! I said you could have just asked me to this years dance or I don't know ask me why I didn't go instead of just assume I said.

now get off me I said as I struggled to get out of his grasp.

Then his grip tightened on my stitches I cried out in pain as he squeezed my arms.

what are you doing!? I shouted I think I cleared everything up now let me go!.

I'm still kinda mad said Brent you did kick me in the balls earlier.

And you burned me with your mini blowtorch! I shouted now we're even.

I guess you're right but once I start a punishment I can't stop said Brent.

You're insane! I shouted.

I know said Brent but you know what Em? Said Brent let's go somewhere private I don't really like all these people staring at me.

Then Brent stood up and held me close to him he had one hand around my waist while his other hand held the knife to my throat.

Anyone who try's to stop me I flip this switch this thing turns into a blowtorch and she's gone got that? Said Brent as he walked down the hall.

as we made it farther down the hall I heard coach David shout.

Where is the damn police!?.

Then we walked into an empty science classroom as soon Brent shut the door and locked it.

He pushed me across the room my head hit the table as I slid into the floor.

And everything went dark for a second then everything went blurry.

as my vision blurred Brent sat on top of me.

You know Em? Said Brent instead of punishing you for something someone else did I mean this turned out to be a huge misunderstanding he said as he chuckled.

How about we make up he said i have a perfect way we can put this all behind us said Brent as he looked me up and down with hungry eyes.

Then he started to unbutton my shirt as he took off his jacket.

I grabbed his hands to try to stop him but alas I wasn't fully conscious anymore.

I tried my best to keep my eyes open but I just couldn't.

as I felt him kiss my neck I lost consciousness.

As i fell and out of consciousness.

I saw the police barge in the room.

And I felt Brent's heavy breathing on my neck as he shouted for the police to stay back.

Then I heard Brent's voice in the distance shout for them to let him go.

then I felt nurses try to open my eyes and I heard muffled if I could hear them.

Then I felt myself being lifted into the ambulance

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