Chapter I

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Riinngggg. Riinngggg. Riinngggg.

The phone alarm rang loudly in my ear.

"Uhh," I groan out loud at the thought of waking up. Lately, I've been feeling super guilty. My roommate, Georgia, has been paying for most of the house expenses lately. My father recently passed away. He was the only family I had left. Nevertheless, I've been managing to stay relatively happy.

I took a break from college after my father died, and am now staying with Georgia in small house in the suburbs.

I got ready for the day and sat down for some breakfast.

"Yo, girlie. Check this out," a voice behind me suddenly said. I glance over my shoulder and spot my roommate, Georgia.

Standing at a staggering 6'4, Georgia is what you'd call a proficient teacher in all things sport-wise. She is a full-time athlete and is rarely home.

I finally took a glance down at the table and saw she threw a newspaper there. In a black sharpie, the words Help Wanted were circled.

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria..." I whispered aloud and skimmed through the job details.

"$1.2k a week? That's good for a place like this." I said in a know-it-all tone.

"Y/N, take the dang job. You can't sit around here all day and act like a bum." Georgia said sternly.

When Georgia is here, she can be a bit of a jerk.

I sighed loudly. "Alright, Georgia. Just so I won't have to see you as often when you do come around," I said in a teasing tone. "I was going to apply anyway though..." I finished.

"Ha! Finally, Y/N takes action! You've spent too long cooped up in here. Just because your father died doesn't mean you can be lazy, ya know?" Georgia said, giving me a not so needed lecture. I simply sat in silence, done with her berating my every action.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean-" Georgia tried to apologize, but a phone call came through. Her ringtone began going off.

"Hey, I gotta go Y/N. We'll talk later, yeah?" Georgia said, interrupting my thoughts. "Oh, and don't forget to go apply for the job. It says you can go in and fill out an application." She added before storming off and slamming the door shut behind her.

I sighed once again. It's always so loud when Georgia is around. Not that I don't like her presence, she just gets on my nerves sometimes. We've been friends since middle school though, so we give each other the benefit of the doubt.

I drove in the direction of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, hoping to get a job this time. I've had one too many failed attempts at getting a job.

Finally, I arrived. I walked into the place, seeing that it was just a regular pizza place. It seemed like a great start to getting back on track in life. It's been hard since my dad died. I looked around the place and saw something that caught my eye.

The animatronics stage.

I always found interest in robots. So this was exciting for me.

A middle-aged man came up to me suddenly. I assume he owns the place by the way he's dressed.

"Hello! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! I can show you a place to be seated if you'd like?" The older man spoke enthusiastically about his restaurant.

"Um, no, thank you. I'm here for the job opening?" I said confidently.

The older man smiled brightly. "Of course! We have 6 job openings at the moment. You're welcome to take your pick. We can go to my office and discuss further details." He said happily.

6 job openings? This place needs to advertise more or something...

"Yeah, sure," I responded.

We went through a hall with colored pictures by the kids that came here and then to the right was the man's office.

"Oh, and by the way, my name's Brian," he spoke with a gleeful tone as he sat in his leather office chair. "Alright, we've got the night security shift open, if that interests you?" Brian said.

The thought of working all night long wasn't too appealing.

"Are there other jobs here that aren't at nighttime?" I said inquisitively.

Brian glanced down at his papers. "We have kitchen staff and an animatronic care tech open,"

I zoned out as he spoke. He kept going on about how so many people disappeared at the establishment, but I didn't pay mind to it.

Although, animatronic care? The sound of that captures my interest. Plus I'm surely qualified for the job. I took robotics classes and the like in college.

"Anyhow, does something like that capture your interest?" Brian finished.

I smiled widely. "Yes, I'd love the animatronic tech job."

Brian nodded excitedly and took some papers out of his folder on the desk.

"Alrighty, uh what was your name again?" Brian asked.

"My name is Y/N," I told him, spirited that I finally landed a job. And at a pizzeria, no less! I have to say, I got pretty lucky.

When I arrived home that evening, I saw police cars outside my neighbor's house. I went into my own home and found Georgia looking out the window at the noise and lights.

"Georgia! What's going on?" I asked her, trying not to be pushy about it. She looked so scared.

"Y/N...I...I didn't mean to. I swear." Georgia responded.

What happened here? Did Georgia do something?

"It's okay Georgia, just tell me what happened, alright?"

"I was...selling..." She trailed off, her fingers fiddling with her sleeve.

"Selling drugs to a man. He got mad that I asked for too much money and called the cops. I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't want to make a mess of things." Georgia confessed and held her hand over her eyes in distress.

Georgia is a drug dealer? No, that's not important right now. She got caught. Not good.

Suddenly a loud knock banged at the door.

"Georgia...what are you going to do?!" I yelled at her frantically.

If she gets caught, she'll most likely go to prison. That can't happen. I can't lose her too...

"I..." Georgia began then sighed out loud.

"Excuse me, this is Officer Kane. I'd like to speak to uh, Georgia Wright." A voice abruptly spoke from the other side of the door.

Georgia's eyes widened. I could see it in her eyes though. She would give herself in. This girl was too righteous for her own good. Besides, I suppose there was no other option.

"I have to give myself up, Y/N. I have to. It's my fault anyhow," Georgia stated, proving my thoughts to be correct.

"You...oh Georgia. I'm so sorry." I told her sincerely. This is terrible. Am I about to lose my best friend?

I rushed over to her and gave her a tight, reassuring hug.

"It's alright. I own up to what I did. I got caught, it happens." Georgia said. She started to walk over to the door and opened it with a confident hand.

The rest was a blur to me. Georgia spoke to the officer, telling him everything. She'd been selling drugs for years apparently. And I had never known. She got taken away and sentenced to 3 years in prison. 3 years.

Once again, I am alone as ever. No family, no friends, no nothing.

At least I have a job though. And I start next week. Oh, joy.

Phantasma (FNAF Yandere Nightmare x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now