Arc 1: The Mortalitas Assembly - Chapter 1: The Overground

Start from the beginning

Making a mental note to leave at the next stop, he took one of the now vacant seats and pulled a newspaper out from underneath it. Flipping it open he was met with familiar headlines.

Children Missing

Teenage Tesco Worker Found Dead At The Till

Depression At An All-Time High

Despite his facade of calm, the man's blood boiled. The world had well and truly gone to shit, and the world didn't even know why.

The train suddenly came to a halt.

"This is New Cross Gate. Change here for the national rail services..."

The man tossed the newspaper aside and made to leave as the doors slid open. He stopped dead as he came face to face with three Death Eaters, each adorned in black robes but none wearing their masks. They sneered at him.

"Got ya." growled the one in the middle.

He had nowhere to run. He was immediately seized by the upper arms and before he could even attempt to fend them off he felt the unfamiliar lurch of Apparition as the four of them landed in an unknown location by a cliff face towards the sea.

He wasn't familiar with the wizarding method of quick travel and immediately vomited all over his captor's robes.

"Ugh!" the Death Eater protested. "Ah, Hell!"

He was graciously gifted with a swift kick to the stomach. He doubled over and fell to the ground, coughing. A pair of hands threw his hood off of his head, revealing his aged, wrinkled face and greying hair.

A jet of red light struck him and he immediately writhed and screamed. He had served in the Second World War and had been tortured before, having lost three of his fingernails. He had been young then, and thought that he'd never feel greater pain.

How wrong he was. Forget his fingernails, he would have gladly traded every finger on his two hands if it meant not being hit with another jet of red light.

"Stop!" cried the man.

After the Death Eaters had finished with their fun, he was forced upright on his knees to face a fourth Death Eater.

This one had more authority over the others - for they had already re-equipped their masks. But this one hadn't bothered. He wondered if he were looking at Yaxley, Dolohov, or even one of the Lestrange brothers.

There was a pause as both men looked at each other. The maskless Death Eater's face bore cool indifference.

"This?" he scoffed. "This is how the great Y/N L/N thinks he'll oppose the Dark Lord? This is what breaking the Mudbloods out of Azkaban amounted to?

The man remained quiet, still shaken by the effects of the Cruciatus.

"You are going to die here, Muggle." said the maskless Death Eater softly. "But I might just reconsider if you were so kind as to tell me..."

The man held his breath.

"Where is he hiding? Where is L/N?"

With the last of his strength, he turned his neck towards the Death Eater, his muscles screaming for him to stop moving. He let out a toothy snarl.


The Death Eater's eyes flashed. Slowly he reached for his - decidedly much scarier mask than his cronies and pulled it onto his face. As he did so the old man was being steadily levitated into the air.

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