Meanwhile at the turtles' lair, Donnie and Cheyenne were working on the Battle Shell. "I think this should work." Donnie said to Cheyenne who nods. "I hope so, we been working on this for a long time." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "Hey, Cheyenne." Donnie calls her making Cheyenne look at him. "I wanted to ask you something." Donnie said to her while becoming anxious. "Sure, ask away." Cheyenne said to him. "I wanted to asks if you want to..." Donnie said but he gets cut off by Mikey and Tasneem dropping down in-between the two. "Whatcha doing, lovebirds?" Mikey asks them making Cheyenne look away turning red. "Working up a remote control system for the Battle Shell." Donnie said to him while Tasneem touches a part of the Battle Shell's engine that Cheyenne and Donnie were working on. "Sweet." Mikey said then Cheyenne slaps Tasneem's hand away. "Ow." Tasneem said while pouting. "Don't touch. These are highly sophisticated sensors." Cheyenne said to her making Tasneem shrugged while Mikey walks over to the lab table. "When they receive a remote signal, they'll safely guide the Shell to the signal's point of origin." Donnie said to Tasneem while Mikey picks up a remote. "Wow, that very impressive Donnie. I didn't even thought of that." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie blushed slightly. "And this is the remote do-hickey?" Mikey asks them making Tasneem walk over at Mikey. "That's it, but it's not finished yet." Donnie said to his brother while Cheyenne closes the hood of the Battle Shell. "So please don't-" Donnie said then he was cut off by a clicking sound and the Battle Shell's engine starts. "Uh, you were gonna tell me not to press this, right?" Mikey asks him then the Battle Shell drives off making Donnie and Cheyenne jump out of the way. The Battle Shell drives around the lair, interrupting Raph who was punching his punching bag then he sees the vehicle making him move just in time as the Battle Shell rans over the punching bag. Leo was reading a book but he quickly moves once he sees the vehicle coming to him but Leo picks up Jesse who was meditating not even acknowledge what was going on around her. Leo jumps out of the way before the vehicle hits them while holding Jesse. The vehicle circles around towards Donnie, Cheyenne, Mikey and Tasneem. Donnie and Cheyenne gathers a few supplies while Mikey stares at the Battle Shell, shaking at the knees. "Shake a leg, Shell-for-Brains!" Donnie yelled at Mikey as he and Cheyenne move out of the way. Tasneem quickly pushes Mikey out of the way making her fall on top of Mikey.

The Battle Shell finally comes to a stop when it hits a wall. Donnie looks at Mikey angrily while Splinter walks up to them. "Donatello and Cheyenne." Splinter said making the two look at him. "Your Battle Shell is a marvel of engineering. A true testament to your incredible mechanical skills." Splinter said to them then he crosses his arms. "And I never want to see it in our home again." Splinter said to them making Cheyenne and Donnie glared at Mikey. "Oops." Mikey said to them making Donnie smacks him. "Ow!" Mikey yelled while Raph walks over to Mikey very angry. "Nice job, Mikey. You ruined my punching bag!" Raph yelled at Mikey who hides behind Tasneem. "Raph, your angrier then usual." Leo said to his brother while letting go of Jesse. "He's just mad because Jamey is on a date with Casey." Mikey said then he starts making kissy faces making Tasneem laugh a little. Raph growled and he turned his attention to the younger turtles. "You better run." Raph said to the two making Mikey nervously chuckled before he and Tasneem ran away with a very angry Raph chasing them.

Back at the fight club, Casey and Jamey were in a cage with their hands bound and chained to a wall and their legs shackled together. Casey was trying to break out of the wall chains, but to no avail. "Listen up, hairballs! It's gonna take a lot more than chains to bring down Casey Jones, you hear me!? I won't rest until every one of you Dragon Clowns is behind bars, or pushing up daisies!" Casey yelled then Hun walks into the room laughing. "Big words, vigilante. I ever tell you how much fun I had burning down your father's store when you were a kid?" Hun asks him. "At least I had a father, punk." Casey said to him making Hun pick Casey up by his shirt through the cage. "Laugh now, sucka, 'cause tonight the Dragons are having a little smackdown contest." Hun said to him then he throw's Casey down. "And you're the prize. Whoever wins gets to wax your sorry butts once and for all." Hun said to him and he walks away. "You okay?" Jamey asks Casey while kneeing down to Casey. "Yeah." Casey said to her as he sits up. Suddenly the two hears a noise and someone's foot pushes down a tile from the ceiling near the cage then Angel drops down from the hole. "Angel?" The two said in unison surprised. "I-I heard whole thing you two." Angel said to the two as she pulls out a lockpick. "I'm so sorry I got you both into this mess. I'm gonna get you out. I swear." Angel said to them as she tries to pick the cage door's lock. "Ugh. I can't do it." Angel yelled while she throws the pick aside in frustration and starts to cry. "This is all my fault." Angel yelled making Jamey and Casey walk as far as the chains would let them to get closer to Angel. "It's alright, Angel. Don't worry." Casey said to her making Angel wiped her tears away then she looks at the two. "What are we gonna do?" Angel asks them. "Listen to me. I have some friends who can help." Jamey said to her. "Real good friends." Casey said to the girl. "Go to the abandoned warehouse at the corner of Eastman and Laird. Ask for Raphael and tell him that Jamey sent you. Hurry." Jamey said to her making Angel nod before runs off.

Later Angel arrives at the warehouse above the turtles' lair. Angel stops to catch her breath and looks into a boarded off window. "Raphael! Raphael! Jamey sent me!" Angel calls but no response, she looks around to see that the warehouse was empty making her confused. Angel walks back towards the fence surrounding the warehouse. "This is Eastman and Laird, right?" Angel asks herself suddenly the garage door opens and the bright lights of the Battle Shell was turn on. Angel shielded her eyes then she sees 7 giant turtles standing in front of her. "Whoa." Angel said to herself while Raph walks up to Angel and crosses his arms. "Alright, kid. If Jamey sent ya, this had better be good." Raph said to her while the others stand behind him.

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