It was finally time for her to leave for the airport. She was dressed in her disguise, accent had been put into play and the sign was in her hands. She was anxiously driving to the airport, checking the young girl's Tumblr. 'Off to New York City today for an exchange trip. Hope I bump in to taylorswift on my travels, I think I would lose my shit.' Taylor couldn't help but laugh if she's going to lose her shit if she meets me, what is she going to be like when she finds out she's living with me?

They got to the airport and stood by the exit, holding the sign over her face so she was more unrecognisable, and anxiously waited for Luna to walk through the doors.


The plane had finally touched down in New York City and Luna was on her way to baggage claim, Baxter in her arms, rubbing her eyes to awaken herself from her sleep. I'll use the bathroom and apply some makeup before I go out to meet them. She wanted to make a good first impression on the people she would be staying with for the next couple of weeks.

She pulled out her phone and turned it on. 'Just landed in New York, about to meet the family. Flight was okay, slept the whole way. Love you x' she messaged her mom then checked tumblr, 'taylorswift liked your post: Off to New York...' WHAT? TAYLOR LIKED MY POST ABOUT ME BEING IN NEW YORK. She was excited to say the least, until she saw the next notification up, 'taylorswift replied to your post "Off to New York...": "Keep your eyes open for me, I hope I see you, friend!"' SHIT HELP ME. She was shaking and started hyperventilating okay, Luna, keep your chill. Everyone is staring at you. The chances of you meeting Taylor are low. Calm down, you're okay. Go meet the family.

After finally calming herself down in the bathroom she walked out of the airport and started looking for a sign reading her name, finally she came across her name written in rainbow, glittery letters, finally, someone who might craft with me she thought to herself, she never had anyone to craft with but she loved it so much.

She ran up to the person holding the sign, they had large dark sunglasses on, a huge floppy hat, red lipstick and she was obnoxiously chewing gum. Great, a gum chewer.

"Hey, I'm Luna, lovely to meet you!" She said to the tall lady. She must have been about 5"11, and although Luna was 5"3 she still looked like a giant.

"Oh my God, hello darling nice to meet you! I'm Tina!" She said, the obnoxious tone going straight through Luna's ears wow, this should be fun Luna thought. "Shall we get going?" Taylor could see that Luna was uncomfortable with the character she had been portraying already, trying not to laugh must have been the hardest thing she's done lately.


Luna picked up her bag and followed Tina out to the car where they got in, Luna riding shotgun. "I am so excited to finally be here!" She said to Tina.

"I'm excited to have you here!" Taylor said still in her annoying tone. "I have a little surprise for you though Luna, are you ready?" Luna nodded, "okay close your eyes" she held her hands tightly over her eyes as Taylor took the hat and the sunglasses off revealing her blond hair and her bright blue eyes. "Okay, open them." She said, her normal voice. "Welcome to New York Luna, it's great to finally meet you." Luna looked at her amazed. She couldn't get any words out, she was shaking and started crying.

"Y-you're Taylor Swift." She finally blurted out. "You're Taylor Swift. What. Taylor. What. You just liked and replied to my post. You knew? What?" Taylor laughed and wiped the tears from Luna's eyes.

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