Ch.12 Seeing Red

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Cyra's Pov

At the Argus base, the Atlesian guards watch the screen as Caroline Cordovin's Colossus is seen trying to swipe at the airship Maria and Oscar are in.

Cordovin: "You just couldn't keep this rivalry between us, could you, Calavera?! You had to rope in children to fail with you!"

The guards cheer on their boss as she fires another shot from the mech's arm cannon. Unbeknownst to them, a red dot appears on one of the radar's screens approaching Argus.


Ruby then came climbing back onto the cliffside. I stood with Qrow, Weiss, Ruby, Kazey, Razor, Raiden and Ren as we looked out at the mech trying its hardest to knock the ship out of the air.

Oscar: (Over coms) "Ruby, can you hear me!?! Are you guys okay?"

The ship came swooping in low and avoiding a cannon blast from the mech.

Ruby: (Pressing her com) "Are we okay!?"

Oscar: (Over coms) "I know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen. I think I finally found a weakness!"

Nora: "Well, we're all ears."

We looked over to see Nora walking over while supporting a struggling Jaune.

Ren: (Running over to Nora and Jaune) "GUYS!"

I smiled at the three teammates, but my smile soon turned to a stoic expression when I looked back at the mech.

Oscar: (Over coms) "The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles."

Weiss: "We noticed."

Oscar: (Over com) "Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock-in, it pops out! Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher!"

Cyra: (Slightly smiling) "That would destroy her cannon, leaving her with no primary attack!"

Jaune: (Being supported by Ren and Nora) "Oscar, that's brilliant!"

Nora: (Concerned) "Can you make that kinda shot?"

Ruby: "We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon."

Maria: (Over coms) "Well, I've got a way to guarantee that."

The airship Maria was flying came swooping beside the cliffside and stopped in front of everyone. Ruby nodded to herself and strode forward towards the ship.

Qrow: (Reaching out for Ruby) "Ruby, what are you doing!?"

Ruby jumped up onto the ship and turned to the group.

Cyra: (Looking at Ruby with a smile) "Don't miss!"

Ruby: (Smiling) "I never miss."

The airship then zoomed away and towards Cordo's mech.

Qrow: "She's going to get herself killed!"

Kazey: "Come on old man (Qrow looked over at him with a worried expression) She can do this."

I looked back at the ship flying closer to the mech.

Maria: (Though coms) "Cordo! I've got one missile left, and I know exactly where I'm going to stick it!"

Cordo: "One missile you say? That's a shame, Maria, Because I have plenty!"

The mech raised its cannon, and the missile launcher popped out and was aimed directly at the airship.

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