Jealous Kaveh

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"Ack! Alhaitham! Stop!" He heard you exclaim from the other room. You sounded like you were in distress so he dropped what he was doing and rushed over. "(Y/N)! What's he doing-" he exclaimed only to be shut up and find you laughing with his roommate ticking you on the couch. A frown formed and he sharply turned, going back to what he was doing.

Ever since you started hanging out with the Scribe, after what happened between the two of you, Kaveh has been getting incredibly jealous. Which is your intention. But you didn't think that he would stary being a big baby about it. The way he frowned, stomping his feet, and even whined to try and get your attention away from Alhaitham. It was slightly amusing, but overall you felt bad. So what happened next when you decided to talk to him was a surprise.

The architect muttered angrily to himself, hammering a nail into the wall. "Stupid (Y/N). Stupid Alhaitham." He growled, hanging up another one of his pictures he bought from the store. Ugh, just looking at them makes my blood boil! Taking a step back to see if it was crooked, and thankfully it wasn't, he managed to smile at achieving this without Alhaitham asking him to take it down.

Kaveh put the hammer and container of nails aside on a nearby hall table, and walked to the kitchen. When he was almost there, he saw you and his roommate by the front door. He quickly hid, wanting to listen in on the small conversation.

"Are you sure you'll be alright while I'm away?" Alhaitham asked you in a gentle, yet concerned tone. You chuckled, gently pushing the man. "Yeah, of course. Go save the world." You ushered him. "It's not like Kaveh's going to hurt me or anything." You joked, nearly laughing at it. With a sigh, the Scribe nodded, pecking your cheek. "I won't be gone long." He informed you, then leaving the house with you seeing him out. Of course, the architect saw the whole interaction, even the kiss. It made him sneer, gritting his teeth. How dare he-!

Before he was able to finish that thought, he saw you turn his way. Panicked, he swiftly straightened himself out and walked out from the corner as if he saw and heard nothing. When you saw him, stopped him where he was. "Oh, Kaveh, great that you're here!' You exclaimed with that endearing smile of yours. "I need to talk to you." His orange eyes looked to you, blinking at the confrontation. "Uh-huh. Well, I need to talk to you." He reversed it, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to his room.

Shocked by this, when you entered his room you pulled away from him. "Kaveh, what are we doing here? Why do we need to talk in your room?" You question, watching him close and lock the door. He sharply turned to face you, approaching you. "You know exactly why." He frowned, watching you back up and trip, falling onto his bed. "I don't know what you're trying to say-" You tried acting as if you didn't know. "Don't play dumb." He cut you off, huffing.

You didn't have time to react when he climbed over top you and smashed his lips onto yours. Taken back by it, but not entirely opposed, you returned the kiss before he broke it. "I'm going to make sure that he knows who you belong to." He whispered huskily into your ear. The way he said it sent shivers down your spine. And soon enough, clothes were ripped off and he did the liberty of doing some architect work on your insides.

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