A forbidden love with Childe

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"Childe..." your voice was barely a whisper against his lips. The two of you in a hidden alley, making out. When his hands went up your shirt, you had stopped him, coming back to reality. "We can't.." As the words came out your mouth, you looked up to his eyes.  He was confused. What did you mean by that? "I can take you to Wangshu Inn, we don't-" you stopped him there, sighing. There was no way to beat around the bush, especially with someone like him. You knew what it would do to you, being with a Harbinger that nearly destroyed Liyue and it's people. Whenever the two of you were walking down the street, or having a dinner date, you could feel everyone's judging gaze on you. Both of you.

Mustering up the words to tell him, you avoided his gaze. "We can't be together anymore." You couldn't look at him. The moment the words came out, you felt him stop breathing for a second. Childe's thoughts raced, taking a step back to the wall behind him. What were you saying? You didn't want to be with him? "My love, wh.. what are you saying?" He needed you to clarify, to affirm what he was thinking. Tears sprung into your eyes. You did your best to keep your composure. "You and me. The people of Liyue don't accept us." Your breathing was shaking. You truly wanted to be with him. But the pressure of the citizens continously judging and speaking ill... especially your parents..

"(Y/N).." his sweet voice started, cupping your cheek as he was back in front of you again. To this, you looked up to him, seeing his soft baby blue eyes staring into your (e/c) ones. "It shouldn't matter what they think of us. If we are happy, then that's all that matters. No one should-" "My parents dont even accept us." You immediate cut him off. This information made his hand nearly drop from your face. "Then we can run away to Snezhnaya." He responded, a smile on his adorable face. If only it were that easy, you thought. There was no way to run from the only place you called home. How would you break it to your parents?

"Childe," you whispered. But he wouldn't have it. "We can leave on a boat to my homelnd tonight. You can write a brief note to your mom and dad so they don't worry." He had it all planned out for you. This ginger wasn't letting you go so easily. And thank archons for it. Thinking it over, you nodded, agreeing. "Okay." With that, he gave you a gentle but passionate kiss. He then did the courtesy of walking you home, so you can pack early and think about whag to write on the note. He gave you some ideas, and you thanked him, walking into your house and bidding a 'see you later tonight.'

A few hours went by, the sun was setting. It was almost time to head out and meet with Tartaglia at the docks. You had just a couple bags packed with clothing and essentials. All you needed to do now was write that note. You paced in your room, thinking of what to say. But when you heard your mother walk towards your room, you shoved your bags in a corner out of sight. Knocking, she gently opened the door. "Hey sweetie, are you coming to eat?" She asked, her voice gentle and soft. You shook your head. "No, I'm not hungry, mom. I think I'll just head to bed early." You put on a convincing enough smile. Understanding, your mother wished you a good night and gently closed to door.

Sighing with relief, you grabbed a piece of paper, a pencil and started writing.

Mom and dad,
I've gone to Snezhnaya with Childe. I wasn't happy here with everyone's disapproval with our relationship. Thank you so much for raising me. I love you both.

It was short, simple, to the point. And with it done, you set it on your pillow, grabbing your bags and looking back at your barren room one last time. With a deep breath, you climbed out your window and jumped down. From the landing, you flinched due to the stone ground, but ran down to the south warf. Not many people were out, which was good. But you still made your way discretely so no one reported to your parents that they saw you running to the docks for some unknown reason.

Once at the docks, you found Childe there looking out to the sea. Back turned to you, his cape flowing in the gentle wind. The ship to his home just beside him. Upon hearing you approach, he turned, and there was that huge loveable smile plastered on his face. Walking up to him, he grabbed hold of your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Ready?" He asked, looking at you with that same smile.


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