Childe wants you & only you

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You have been on his mind for quite some time now. He hasn't been able to get you out of his thoughts. He's been watching you. From a safe distance, where you wouldn't be able to notice him, of course. Wherever you went, he followed. If anything happened to you, he would be on it immediately. If someone threatened you, he would take them out. If someone planned to kidnap you, he would stop the operation by death threats. If someone confessed to you... he would kill them. You were his, and his alone. No one compared to you. He would do anything to make you his. He didn't care if it meant slaughtering the entirety of Teyvat.

Today, he watched you during a commission. It was a simple one, just taking out a camp of hilichurls. Your movements and grunts whilst fighting captivated him. He couldn't stop watching. When you were facing the last hilichurl, stabbing it through the torso, he quietly gasped a sound that was almost a moan. His hand on his stomach. Oh, (Y/N)... The thought of you doing it to him sent pleasurable shivers throughout his body. Oh how amazing that would feel during a weekly match against you.

The enemy fell to the ground and disappeared, items dropping for you. As you bent down, you heard shuffling behind you and quickly turned, weapon out to find... Tartaglia? What's he doing here? And what's with that look on his face? "Childe?" You lowered your weapon, looking at him questionably. "Are you okay? You don't look too well..." He staggered towards you with an unnerving smile. The way he chuckled, it sent shivers down your spine. Backing up, he only continued to pursue you. "(Y/N)~!" He sang your name, his laugh sounding like a maniacal giggle. You had a really bad feeling about this. Something wasn't right. Something wasn't right with him. That look in his eyes. The huge smile. What was going on?

He had to hold you. He had to keep you close. But you were backing away from him. He didn't like that. His smile turned into a frown. "Why are you backing away from me? I'm not scaring you, am I?" His head tilted to the right. Why? The way your expression went from concerned to frightened was quick to notice. He stopped in his tracks immediately. "You are scared of me.." The Fatui Harbinger muttered, looking at you with dejection. Though that was swiftly removed and he charged at you. He grabbed you before you could even react, pinning you to the ground.

You struggled under his grip. "Let go of me!" You cried. To no avail, his hold on you just got worse. He didn't want you to leave. No, not yet. Not ever. "You can't leave me, (Y/N)!" His voice raised. "You- you conplete me! You are my beloved!" The man above you tried telling you, but that only made you struggle more. His grip was tight, almost enough to stop blood circulation. The only way to get him off you was kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. It worked. A yelp and keeling over to the ground right of you. Taking this chance, you scrambled to your feet and ran. The way he's acting was terrifying.

"No!" He yelled, getting up. The Harbinger activated his delusion and began chasing after you. "You can't leave me!" His voice called out to you, closing in the distance with ease. He was determined. His hand reaching out and just barely grazing your arm. The moment you felt his fingers touch you caused you to speed up. Did he like this? Of course not. So he used his delusion and appeared in front of you, wrapping you in his arms and holding you close to his body. You could hear and feel his heart pounding. His grip on you was suffocating. Fingers digging into your body.

"I..." Childe started, looking at you with those obsessive eyes. "I love you." He confessed. But it didn't seem like a regular confession, because... "You're mine. Forever." The laugh that he made was sadistic. You wish you could escape this, but you couldn't. He wouldn't let you. He won't.

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