Arataki Itto trains you ;P

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Day in. Day out. Some nights without sleep. That's how it went. Sweat beads down your face, breathing pretty heavy. You had no idea that this was how training was going to go with Arataki Itto. You just thought it was some regular workout routine, but you really should have known. It's never just 50% with this Oni. All in or nothing. But you never expected it to be 1 on 1.

Right now you were just ten feet away from the man. Both of you in position. You were going to charge at him, and he was going to take it. Well, if you had the strength to. He said it'd conclude today's session. "Ready?" He asked with a grin. "Ready." You responded, and he counted you down. "Come and get me." He motioned with his hand, and you sprinted to him. When you were close enough, you lunged forward into his torso with all your might, knocking him down. "Oh, woah- okay!" A hard thud beneath you, as he took the blow and softened it for you.

You quickly sat up, worried. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" You ask, looking down at him, then looking him over. "Whaaat? Noooo! Not at all! That was good! Really felt the impact." He chuckled. You sighed, relieved. The two of you sat there in silence, catching your breaths.

You looked down at him, admiring his facial features. The read markings, his horns. The white strands of hair that stuck to his face from sweat. How relaxed he looks. It was almost like you saw him in a new light, other than being a doofus out in public.

After a moment, you realized what position you were in and stumbled off him. "Sorry-!" You flushed, standing up and brushing yourself off. "Hey, don't sweat it!" He assured you, as you lent a hand to help him up. "Soooo," Itto claps his hands together, "I believe that ends training. Yeahhh." He spoke in an awkward way, making you chuckle softly. He was a fun guy to be around besides the heavy-duty training. "Yeah.." you muttered, almost disappointed that it was over. "I'll see you and the others tomorrow the-" About to say goobye and goodnight, you were cut off by lips colliding with yours. It took you a moment, realizing it was Itto who was kissing you.

When he felt you weren't kissing back, he pulled away. "Um, sorry. I don't know what came over me, hahahah. That was, um, stupid of me to do. Uh... Yeah, so, I'll see you-" Now you cut him off by leaning up and kissing him. It surprised him, but he returned it immediately. His hands to cup your cheeks, yours to his. It got heated fast, tongues now fighting for dominance. In the end, he won, being the persistent Oni he was and never wanting to lose a match. As he did, the kiss continued on, the two of you against one of the dojo's walls before he parted it for air. But he wasted no time and began at your neck. You closed your eyes, suppressing moans, leaning your head back so he had more room.

Things began to escalate, the two of you half naked. His hands exploring your body, as he left pecks and kisses all over your body. You had shivers run up and down your spine. Pleasure spiking through. You couldn't hold it in. "Itto.." you muttered his name, which made him look up at you with suprise. Before his eyes flashed with what seemed to be lust. He stood up, bucking his hips up against yours, making you gasp and moan softly, feeling his bulge against your area. He began to unbind your chest wrappings with one hand. And down below, he pulled down your garmets with his other. "Wait, Itto-" You want to pauss, but he smiled. "Don't worry. I made sure to book this place just for us." He whispered huskily. Hearing that, you nodded and he continued.

The pleasure that ran through your body was immeasurable. You let out the sounds of ecstasy, as he bucked against you. The two of you still against the wall. Itto's grunts and growls only made it better. He left love bites all over your body. This Oni knew how to get you going, and you didn't mind one bit.

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