It Begins

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I watch her as she walks down the dark alleyway. The flickering of one  yellow tinted street light shows me the look of desperation on her face. She looks about 5'4 with chocolate kissed skin. Her big brown eyes show beauty with the look of fear for her life. Her Black hair has deep curls in them that flow down to her butt. Her curvy body is flaunted in a tight red mini skirt with a black tank top. Her matching 7 inch heels are carried in her left hand as she speeds up her pace.

Out of no where, he appears. His 5'11 frame swallows the scared girl up. He wears light blue jeans with a white V neck T-shirt. His shirt is stretched around the collar and stained with blood. His tan skin is tightly pulled over his muscular body. He has to weigh at least 240 pounds. With one swift blow to the back of her head, he knocks her into a pile of garbage. He begins shaking her as he screams at her. I step away from the wall hiding my presence to get a closer look.

He screams "You lying bitch! You didn't think I would find you? I always find my property." He removes a 6 inch blade from his jeans pocket. She fights him off the best she can to keep him from slicing her face.

A few Men walk past hearing the commotion but choose to keep on their way as though a woman was not being attacked. The attacker brings His black Timberland boots across the woman's face and begins to stomp on it until the woman stops putting up a fight.

"I told you, no one would give a fuck about what happens to a dirty little bitch like you." He screams at her while she begs for her life.

The woman screams "I swear it will never happen again! Please! No! Don't!". The attacker just laughs into her face before he spits in it. The attacker takes the blade and slices the woman's face right below her chin as her body goes limp.

Standing only feet away from them, I jump on the attacker's back. I keep thinking that I should have called for help or called 911 when I first saw the attack. But I was frozen in fear. If he can kill her, someone he knows, then he would kill a stranger.

The attacker stands up with me on his back. I claw into his eye sockets as he throws me into a brick wall. The Brick wall digs into my back and I groan in pain. He looks into my eyes and all I see is the emptiness of a soul. Then he turns and runs after accessing the scene.

I crawl towards the woman who has not made a sound since being cut. Her brown eyes look into mine with a need. As if she is begging me to take the pain away. I gently cup her face in my hand as I lay her head in my lap. I Take off my sweater and apply pressure to her gash. She opens her mouth to speak and "I'm sorry" barely escapes her mouth in a whisper.

Suddenly she disappears. I'm on the cold wet ground, holding nothing and no one. The attacker comes back and this time his rage is focused on me. Before I can think of a way to escape, he stabs me right in the stomach.

I awake in my bed. My sheets are covered in sweat and my breathing is shallow and heavy. I remind myself "It was just a dream". Running my hands over my face, I feel the scar on the left side of my chin. Then subconsciously my right hand runs over the left side of my stomach and I feel the rough skin.

No It wasn't.....

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