Ch. 9 - How it should have gone (Part 4)

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+/- 6 - 10 weeks – first trimester period ( = tiny bump starting up)
Had to get the pickles out of my head.


Loud crying was heard from the bedroom, making Marco run for dear life, pushing poor unsuspected sailors out of the way he made a small mental note to apologize to those who tripped later but now his Omega was his priority.

"Ace-yoi!!!!" he barged open the door to their room, finding Ace sobbing in the middle of it. He ran up, visually inspecting him for wounds as he did, but he saw nothing.

"Darling, Omega, what's wrong? Are you hurting? Is it our pup???"

"A-alpha!" Ace cried, hugging Marco around the neck and weeping.

"I'm here, I'm here-yoi." he reassured as best as he could, rubbing over Ace's back, releasing a hopefully soothing scent without that hint of worry he was trying to contain.

It took far too long, but eventually he got Ace to pull away slightly and tell him what was wrong, wich he did sniffing.

"I-I can't- Alpha- Marco- I-"

"Yes, what is it? Just tell me, it will be okay."

"I can't fit in my pants!"

"... .... .... You can't... fit into your pants?" he gasped, their pup was growing!!!!! He laughed happily, "That's-!!!"

Right on the laugh Ace started weeping covering his face as he did and the Alpha was scolding Marco for makign him cry, rightfully so. "A-ace- I didn't-" he reached out arms but Ace turned away.

"Y-you hate me now!"

"I don't!"

"Y-you laughed!"

"Because I'm happyy!"

A choked out sob was there and even Marco had to hold back a gasp at the suffocating smell of betrayal, "You're happy I got fat and ugly! I-I thought you would always looooooveee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Marco watched Ace drop to the floor, ugly crying, shit shit shit! Pushing through the scent he kneeled down, hugging his Omega who was trying to push him away, yelling to let go. He had to make it right! Also... since when did Ace cry so much!!



"Omega-yoi, Ace, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You misunderstood, I'm happy b-" fuck, that smell!, "b-but it-its for our p-pup." he swallowed a few times before continuing, "Y-you getting bigger- It's great! It means- it means out pup is growing!!!!! Omega! You're doing wonderful in bearing our pup!"

Sniffing was there, "W-what?"

Good! He was getting through to him! "Yes-yoi! If you don't get into your pants, it means your belly is bigger right? Meaning, our pup is taking up more room in your womb, they're growing!!!! You're doing such a good job they're already getting so much bigger!"

"I-I am doing good?"

Marco smiled as Ace turned to look at him, the suffocating scent slowly ebbing away, being replaced by a vague more happy one, "Yes! So good!" he kissed Ace's forehead, glad he didn't get hit in the stomach for that as he hadn't 100% convinced the Omega yet. "You're doing so amazing, you're the best." He took a breath, this was it. Slowly he reached out a hand and put it on the belly, feeling that it was indeed a little bit rounder and he awed at it. Their little pup... "I can almost feel our pup! And it's all you who's doing it, my mate, my Omega!"

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