Ch. 6 - How it should have gone (Part 1)

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(THIS IS A HAPPY STORY! Even if the title maybe sounds like something's going to go wrong. Don't worry! This is a happiness series only!)

Soooooooooooooo! I said I would update Dark Flames. I lied, apparently. Didn't know myself up until now that it would become a lie. But well, the story's happy part that I had planned is a lot longer than I anticipated. So I'm splitting it up. From the title you can already clue in or get a hint of where I'm going to go with this in the dark flames. But for now, enjoy the normal Omega-verse update and just pure happiness of our cute Omega Ace and Alpha Marco.

Concerned Marco stood next to his omega, rubbing over his back and holding him steady as the other stood on tiptoes bent over the railing, ugly puking sounds heard over the deck.

Thatch was freaking out not far away, apologizing for the millionth time for this must be his fault. He had used some weird looking meat he had found at the last island, the islanders having said it was safe if he boiled it, themselves eating it often.

Ace being the meat-lover that he was, was of course the first to stand in line to try the new dish, only.... to grow deadly pale minutes after eating the first test dishes Thatch made and running out of the kitchen. Marco instantly running over to him, ignoring the conversation he had been having with Pops. This bringing them to their current situation.

"Love..." Marco spoke softly as Ace let himself slump to the ground, going down with him and pulling him against him. "Is it over-yoi? Are you feeling better?"

The smallest nod came from the other and Marco helped him stand up on trembling legs. "Let's go to the infi-". He was interrupted by Ace bending over on himself again, trying to turn back around, but not making it over the railing before he fell to his knees, puking what was probably the very last he had in his stomach over the deck.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Ace apologized with tears in his eyes as he looked at the mess he made. His stomach hurt, his throat hurt, his stupid omega was happy for who knows what! Yes, the meat was good, but this isn't fun Omega!

Marco was there seconds later, picking him up like a little koala-bear and holding him again him, not caring that puke may get on his shirt. "It's okay, it's okay" he released some comforting pheromones, glad Ace melted a bit more into him at that, "Let's get you to the infirmary. They'll be able to help you." He gave a kiss to Ace's temple and rubbed his back, looking to Thatch in the progress and nodding towards the puddle of vomit. The chef instantly nodding in return and already going to their small cabinet they had outside with cleaning material as he himself walked inside to carry his sick mate to the infirmary.


"It tasted good, Marco."

"I know, baby. You know Thatch, he could probably make garbage taste like a 5-star meal-yoi."

A small laugh came from the raven on the infirmary bed, "he probably could."

Marco sat beside the bed, holding Ace's hand and stroking over it. His mate was feeling a bit better already, having gotten some basic meds to fight a possible food poisoning. Now they were just waiting for some blood tests, the nurses having taken some just to be sure.


Both of them hummed, making the nurse flush a bit, "Ah ehm, I meant Commander Marco."


"Could you please leave us for a minute."

A frown came to his face, the nurse was carrying a chart, so obviously with the results of the test. "Is something wrong with Ace? My mate? What's wrong-yoi?" He jumped from his chair, trying to see the chart the nurse was hiding.

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