Ch. 4 - He made a what?! (Part 3)

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So... I did it... and I started with 'With Marco/With Ace' as a POV thing, but it somehow switches at times and is then third person, then first... well... you'll see, I hope it still stays clear haha

First time writing something like this, it was fun and difficult at the same time. I had wanted to let this be read through by a friend first, but then I went like .... naaaah, if it's good, it good. If it's bad, it's bad, and if it's cringe, it's cringe. I'm just going to go for it and post it as it is. I hope you can all still enjoy it for at least a little bit even if it may not be up to par with others who make these kinds of stories.

Besides the normal Omegaverse taggs, if there was a tagg system it would contain things like:
- Finger fucking/Sucking
- Use of toys

With Marco

He could only watch how Ace suffered, the first heat was always the hardest one and he didn't make it better by being here. He hadn't wanted to make it worse for Ace, but he did also want to be here for him, to support him. So, he would stay as the Omega wanted.

Sitting in a small chair next to the nest, he watched how Ace writhed on the nest before him, panting and groaning, calling out for him every now and then. He was sure the Omega didn't even realise he was doing it. He was glad he was one of the better ones of controlling himself on this ship.

For a moment he had left his chair and had taken the time to make sure that the door was locked while marking it with his scent. This way he wanted to assure that even if Ace attracted someone with his smell, his own markings would scare them off.

A loud sob got his attention, on the nest Ace was kicking away at the covers, the fabric seeming to bother him. To help at least a little, he reached out to help the kid untangle himself.

Momentarily he uncovered the shivering Ace, who still wearing the same shorts he had worn to sleep last night, to untangle the mess and cover him with one of the thinner blankets. He had to hold back a grimace at the sight underneath the covers, not because anything was dirty to him, but because of the amount of slick that was staining the shorts and nest, it must be so uncomfortable...

But there wasn't a whole lot he could do right now, not without touching too close to those areas to his liking, he wouldn't even be able to explain to Ace's mind right now that he was just changing him into fresh cloth. And besides, even if he did re-fresh his clothing, they would be in the same state within seconds...

With Ace

He can't, he can't, he can't! He keeps getting hotter! How, why! Marco had said it wasn't his devil fruit, but how could a normal human being be this hot!
He can smell his Alpha... no... he had said no... not no, not yet.... Marco, just Marco ... he was here still here, he was sitting beside him, within his reach. Can't he help him? He needs him, wants him!

With Marco

It went on for a while, he was really starting to feel sorry for the Omega, even while still wearing his shorts, he didn't need to see Ace naked, it's not what he came for... but well... he could smell Ace's arousal and not just his d*ck, but from the amount of slick leaking out of him, soaking the whole backside of his pants... not that the front was dry either.... Yet, Ace hadn't even seemed to try and touch himself.

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