"Alright, alright" He said as returned into his normal self, Maxine gasped letting that man go from her grip.

"Uncle Loki?"

"Hi" Loki said standing up as he fixes himself, looking at her niece with her hand in her mouth.

"Oh my gosh is it really you?" Maxine asked as she cupped her hands to her uncle's cheeks.

Loki laughed, "i somehow got escaped from that hell war" he said as he notices her hands were on a gloves.

"Why are you wearing this?" Loki asked

"I heard Amadeus kiss you what happened?" Loki asked, but she was in tears and hugged her uncle Maxine just cried as Loki could feel her fear.

"Maxine, look at me if he will hurt you again i am here to protect you" Loki said with his reassuring were soft but only Maxine nodded.

"Wear this" he said as he removed the left glove on her hand and put something on her finger it was ring.

"Wear this" he said as he removed the left glove on her hand and put something on her finger it was ring

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"Why are you giving me this?" She asked

"That ring can protect you from harm from Amadeus" Loki explained

"Wear it please" he said

"I will" Maxine said with a smile as he wipe his niece's on his thumb.

"Maxine" Marco's voice came as Loki hid on a corner, then he saw her and ran as attacked her with a hugged.

"Marco?" Maxine confusedly said

"Are you alright? I heard what Charlotte said is it true?" He asked, Maxine only nodded Marco sigh and kiss her forehead.

"I am sorry i wasn't there or i didn't let you go that-" Marco stops when he notice a ring to her finger she quickly hid it behind her back.

"Who gave you that?" He asked

"No one" she lied

He scoff, "no one? Or you just not telling me that Amadeus gave you that" Marco angrily said, Maxine gave him confused look.

"What? No my-"

"Save it" Marco said and gave her a glare as he left her.

"Marco!!" She yelled, but he soon dissapear Maxine gave frustrated groan as Loki leave the corner to come closer to Maxine.

"I hate him when he doesn't listen to my side" she said.


"How could i relax Uncle Loki!!" She angrily yelled, but when a students chattering came from the distance.

"Come with me" she said wearing her gloves and held his wrist.

They entered their bed chambers, Maxine forcibly made Loki sat on the foor of the bed, as Lissy growled.

"Is this friendly?" Loki asked pointing at the dog, Maxine turns around and giggles.

"Lissy is a friendly dog don't worry she won't bite" Maxine was right, Lissy went to Loki's lap and trying to make herself comfortable in his lap.

"Told you" She said and he pets her head.

"I'll leave you here Uncle Loki"


"Um, my classes are starting duh. Professor Anemone always wanted her student to be early" Maxine explained

"What if someone came in your chambers?" Loki asked

"Shapeshift" She said as she left the room as Loki was alone now.

Hours went by Loki was so bored he reads every book at her niece's bedside table talk to Lissy like a crazy person shapeshift into someone.

"Are you bored Lissy?" Loki asked but she only barks.

"I'll take it as a yes" he said as he laid on the bed.

"Marco is that you" Loki heard a familiar voice it was Charlotte, he panic as thinks who he can shapeshift.

But ended up as Lady Lesso, He look at the mirror and gasped.

"Lesso?" Charlotte said with a confusing voice as Loki acts normal, but Lissy barks madly at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I....i was checking if your dog is okay but she was barking mad at me" he lied, Charlotte laughed and carried her dog.

"Sorry Lissy hates you Lesso" Charlotte said as she puts her dog on her bed.

"Yeah" he said trying to act normal towards to her but Charlotte came closer to her.

"I already miss you Charlotte, even though you could kill me so easily" Loki said to her niece but in his transformation of Lesso as she laughs and cup his cheeks.

"Miss me? You saw me earlier you crazy dimwit" she said with a smile as Charlotte went to her tip toe and give him a kiss.

Loki was shock, shock that his niece kiss a girl this is wrong very wrong as he pushed her away.

"This is wrong" Loki said as Charlotte was confuse, wiping his lips.

"Wrong? Lesso you had been kissing me every time we were alone" she angrily said, Loki was even more shocked every time  he thinks.

"No! This is wrong Charlotte" Loki still said as Charlotte slapped him across his cheeks.

"I hate you!!" She spat and left the room slamming the door.

"Oh god!!"

"What had just happen!? She kissed me, she's my niece but why did she kiss a girl do they had a relationship!?" Loki said

But when he heard Lissy barks so madly Loki tried to transform back to himself but it won't work, "what!? Come on!!" He yelled.

"Hey Lissy calm yourself okay?" But Lissy was ready to chase him.

"This is where i said to myself i need to run" Loki said as he ran while Lissy chasing him so madly...

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑰𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 Where stories live. Discover now