"huh? i mean sure, but can we do that in the morning? i'm tired."

"no," you said, almost urgently. "please, i can't sleep. i want to do something."

he sighed, knowing you wouldn't take no as an answer.

slowly getting out of bed, he took some clothes and went to change in the bathroom.

you waited impatiently on his bed, drumming your fingers on your thigh.

despite being tired yourself, you didn't want to sleep. anger overcame any other feeling and you had to get that energy out, knowing it would be better to do that with a healthy outlet.

Draken then emerged from the bathroom, beckoning you to follow him, and you complied eagerly.

the two of you headed out of the brothel, starting up your motorcycles engines as you followed behind him, unsure of where he was going.

pulling up beside him, he was rubbing sleep out of his eyes when you spoke up.

"where are we going?"

"there's a gym in Shibuya district; they've got punching bags and gloves and stuff." you nodded, staying silent as he was visibly very tired still.

it was a surprisingly short ride, and soon you had parked your bikes, walking to the front doors of the gym.

'how have i never seen this before?' you asked yourself incredulously, seeing as it was so close to where you were staying.

Draken held the door open for you, and you smiled, blushing at the small action.

he followed you inside, keeping up with your pace as you walked side by side.

making a beeline towards a back section in the gym, you saw a few punching bags and other fighting material lined up on a back wall.

the gym was virtually empty; only two other people there, who were working out in a different section.

Draken grabbed a pair of gloves, handing them to you as he picked up punching mits for himself.

you slipped the gloves on, looking at him intently for directions.

"alright," he started lazily, "you want to have the right stance for your feet before anything. put your non-dominant foot in front, and your dominant one behind you; about shoulders width apart."

you did as he instructed, positioning your feet and twisting your waist so that you were still facing him, with your legs rotated slightly, so that your toes and knee pointer just to the side of Draken.

"like this?" you asked, and he nodded his head.

"and don't think of moving your waist to me, think of it as twisting your shoulders. your waist will move anyways, but the shoulders are the important part of positioning." you nodded.

"alright, now for your upper body, you wanna have your elbows up, and your fists in front of your face.

"whenever you punch out, bring it back quickly so that your opponent can't sneak in and punch you back. it gives a little less power, but it's better than getting knocked out."

brining your hands up to your face, they rested just below your jaw.

Draken walked up to you, grabbing your gloved hands and moving them upwards more. you watched as he did so, silently noting where to keep your hands.

"okay, and keep your chin down, and mouth closed. that stops any bad attacks to your face."

positioning your head downwards, you flared your elbows out slightly and raised your hands so they were in between your cheeks and your jawline.

Pretty Boy (Draken x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ