Sleep Over At Sammys

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Your friend Maddie dragged you out to this huge party that was going on at her brothers new house. You didnt really wanna go since you knew that you wouldn't know anybody there, only Maddie and her brother. You wore a tight mini dress that hugged you in all of the right places.You thought you mine as well look good IG you're gonna go. When you got to the party it was already in full swing. The smell of alcohol and weed hit you once you opened the door. You walked in with Maddie by your side but a guy cane and asked her to dance so you were left alone. You got yourself a drink and sat down in the couch. When you started thinking about leaving a guy cane over and sat next to you.
"The names Sammy." He smiled.
"Y/n!" you said back.
"So what is a beautiful girl like you sitting here alone?"
"My friend ditched me for some guy that asked her to dance." I said back to him with a face that showed I didn't really care.
"You wanna come chill with some of my friends outside?"
He pulled me up before I could even answer and dragged me along to the backyard. Sammy introduce me to everyone and there was only one more spot to sit so Sammy sat there and pulled you down onto his lap. You just smiled at him. They all passed a joint around and when it got to you Sammy took it first then before passing it to you he asked if you have ever smoked one before and you said no. He laughed then took a mother big hit and motioned for you to put your face closer to his son you did and he kissed you and blew the smoke into your mouth. You coughed and then finished the kiss. Everybody screamed get a room and Samny just smiled into the kiss. He picked you up bridal style and carried you out to his car. He drove you to his apartment. He opened the car door for you. He unlocked the door and let you walk in first. as soon as you walked in he pinned you against the wall, holding your hands above your head while kissing you passionately. He put his hands just below your but and lifted you a little signaling for you to jump. He carried you upstairs to his room and threw you on his bed. Sparks flew.
-----Next Day------
You walk up with Sammy's shirt on but he wasn't in the bed. You smelt food from downstairs so you walked down hoping it was Samny making you breakfast. Sammy was standing over the stove making you pancakes so you went and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind him. The two of you ate and spent the rest if the day getting to really know each other.

Skate and Sammy Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن