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High school is arguably the worst experience of every teens life. The tests, the stress and the drama all suck (unless it's about someone you don't like). Having to get a hallway crush just to make it bearable, fantasising about going home and going to sleep, and annoyance when you get given homework. But there's no homework, tests or drama in the apocalypse.

I sat in the gym, doing one of my maths GCSEs and it was torture. I silently groaned as I saw a question I couldn't remember. I was halfway through the paper when the head of our year burst through the room, everyone glanced up, startled by the sudden distraction. He quickly walked towards the head teacher at the front of the room, his eyes darted across the room, looking in every direction. Students glanced at each other in confusion but didn't talk in fear of getting failed. I looked towards Zoe, my best friend, and silently asked if she knew what was happening, she only looked at me confused. Mr. Smith, our head of year, looked towards the head teacher, Mrs. Westbury and quietly whispered something to her, everyone craned their necks, trying to listen, I heard him whisper "students... rabies... crazy". I looked towards the clock, 13:02, I'll never forget that time.

The teachers rushed us outside towards the astroturf and locked the gate that surrounded it, everyone was talking, Zoe had asked Mrs. Westbury but she had only said "everything will be explained, head to the astro and don't dawdle". Very insightful. I saw our other friend run towards the locked gate, her leg trailing behind her as if broken and begged the teachers to let her in. Me and Zoe ran towards her, I saw blood trailing down her arm as she cradled it with her other, a big bite mark on her shoulder. What had happened? The teachers refused to let her in and told her to go back into the school. Me and Zoe argued with the teachers, I called them crazy because they wouldn't help her and Zoe called them monsters. Laura looked towards me with tear stained eyes and begged me to open the gate, i walked towards it before a teacher grabbed me and pulled me back. I screamed and thrashed against them hopelessly. I looked at Laura and saw her head spasm, then her arms, then her legs, her body fell to the floor as she spasmed, white froth foamed at her mouth, everyone looked at her shocked. Her spasms stopped and she lay there for a moment, looking dead. A sob tears out of Zoe as she fell onto her knees.

But then, Laura had begun to stand back up, lips slightly parted with a dazed expression over her face. "Laura" I screamed and Zoe sobbed, her frosted eyes glanced towards us, her eyes went wide and she charged towards the gate, she screeched and a horde of people ran out of the school, all with blood on them. They carried the same expression of Laura as they ran into the fence and screamed, the students on the astro backed up, faces covered in fear, they ran towards the other side and tried to run away into the forestry area that borders the school. I Picked up Zoe and dragged her along as we reached the other side of the astro, someone had managed to open up the other door and we all had run into the forest. Everyone split up but me and Zoe stayed together, we soon realised it was an apocalypse when we saw the streets and saw human organs entrails across the floor, people hungrily eating it.

A couple of weeks had gone by with me and Zoe in the forest, we occasionally ran into a reborn (this is what we called the zombified people, we decided it sounded less like the end of the world this way). We hunted animals and created shelter in the trees, no phones or radios to contact help, they had been confiscated before the exam. We were walking to a nearby town when we heard something snap a twig, we stopped walking and listened, the sound came from the left, we slowly tilted our heads and saw a reborn, it had mid length brown hair and was wearing our blue and white uniform, it turned around and our faces fell. It was Laura, she had found us. Her eyes scanned over us as she registered what was happening, I saw her eyes go wide once more and told Zoe to run, she had to escape. "What? I can't leave yo-" i cut her off "do you want to be the one to kill her or me?". Her silence said enough. I pulled out the small branch I had in the pocket. I had sharpened it with a broken glass bottle to create a sad replica of a spear. Zoe slowly walked away as I waited for Laura to attack. I darted my eyes to see if Zoe had actually run off and that was when she pounced, she ran towards me full speed and I jutted my hand length spear out and stepped to the side, the spear cutting her arm, black blood spilled out of her wound. She growled at me and charged again, i wasn't quick enough to dodge so i put my hands over my face instead, she knocked me over and tried to bite my arm, her teeth grazed them before i stabbed her chest with the spear and pushed it deeper, she coughed up the black blood, some of it landing on my lip as a groaned and tried to push her off of me. She collapsed on the side and her eyes lolled to the back of her head. I looked at my arm which she had grazed with her teeth and saw my veins turning black. A tear fell from my eye, I was bit. I'm going to become a reborn.

That's all I remember, my memory gets worse every day. I think everything happened a few years ago but it could've been yesterday. The only reason I know it's not is because the buildings are half collapsed and are overgrown. My hunger grows everyday, it's hard not to eat people, but it's survival. I cannot count how many people i've killed or how many scars i have from fighting them, mostly because there's so many, but because i have forgotten how to be human, i no longer know how to count of how to even speak the language, i only grunt and growl, even my thoughts feel foreign. I walk into a building, still mostly intact and hear hushed whispers of a group of people, I feel around 4 heartbeats. A skill after being bit is being able to have enhanced hearing, i can hear a whisper from another street and heartbeats when in the other room. The first lifers (what i call the not yet bitten people, it makes me sound less dead) have picked up on this recently and play a loud sound that keeps us away. This group hasn't. I sneak into the room and see 2 boys and 2 girls, they look a couple years older than I did when I died, we may be the same age. One wears the school tie of my year around his head as a bandana. He seems familiar. Maybe if I had my humanity I would know. He glances towards me and instantly pulls out a knife and whispers to the others, probably telling them about my presence. With 4 people, all aware of me and with weapons, I will probably die and the truth is, I'm so tired. I look over to the boy with the tie and point at my outfit, the uniform I died in. A look of recognition and confusion paints his face and he holds out his hand, I wearily put my hands up and try to say peace but it sounds more like peas. They slowly put down their weapons.


Sorry the ending kinda sucks, it would be longer but its for homework and the max we can do is 6 paragraphs)

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