Chapter 15🦈

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Flipping off the light switch the two eventually fall into a deep peaceful slumber.

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The day of the soccer match rolled around and the couple was getting ready. Bakugo was wearing a black and white shirt that split the colors down the middle, black jeans, and white vans. Shoto wore a white shirt with a mint green heart on the upper left corner as well as some off-white cargo pants and light green-blue converse.

They left the house around 45 minutes before the match. When they arrived Bakugo spotted his friends. Waving them over, the 4 new additions to the group excitedly explained the drama and rivalry going on between the two schools.

"So like apparently the best player at Tokoma was gonna be out of the match cause he had an exam but he passed it last week just to show up but the coach for Fukashi said that it wasn't fair they that they weren't given more notice. So now it's like super tense cause it's guaranteed Tokoma is gonna win but Fukashi can't back out you know?" Mina explained grinning widely.

"Oh wow." Shoto said, not giving two fucks.

"Sounds fascinating." Katsuki said, thinking like his boyfriend.

"At least we get to the see the top player in action!" Kirishima yelled. Kazumi took notice of him and apologized for knocking him out during their spar.

"It's chill! You were so cool though!"

"Thank you. As were you."

"Guys! We gotta go sit down!" Kaminari dragged his friends to their seats. The group of 6 were squished together with the youngest pressed against the angry blond's side.

"I'm not bothering you am I?" He questioned preparing to move. An arm shot out and wrapped itself around his waist.

"No not at all." Bakugo muttered.

The match soon began with all the players running out onto the field. The name on one of Fukashi's jerseys was familiar to Bakugo.


Where had he heard that before?

"What...who is this motherfucker?!" Katsuki yelled as his girlfriend scrambled to put her shirt on. The guy was just sitting there waiting.

"Niko. Niko Harawa." He replied with a smug grin on his face that the vermillion eyed-male was just itching to punch.

"Niko! Shut it!"

Oh. Him. But it couldn't be? He was their age, so this must be his brother. And by that logic, the blond scanned the crowd and saw a familiar face.

That blue hair, those golden eyes. It was unmistakably him. He was smiling, cheering on his brother. The brother had similar blue hair, with black streaks, and silver eyes. He smiled at his brother and waved from the field.

Niko Harawa. The guy Kara cheated with.

Next to Niko was another man who looked older than the soccer player, he had golden eyes and deep black hair. He was quiet though, focused on another player that was on Tokoma's team.

Bakugo followed his gaze and saw a tall boy with spiky white hair and grey eyes. When the boy turned around the teen was shocked when he saw the last name.


Turning to ask his boyfriend he realized he had seen it too.

"Shoto...who is that?"

Through gritted teeth the two-toned male replied.

"My brother. Natsuo."

Bakugo looked shocked. Now he didn't want to root for either team. Niko and his other brother seemed to be glaring daggers at Natsuo. The Harawa that was on the field also appeared to hold a strong distaste for the tall player.

Sero leaned over to the couple and said.

"Number 10 on Tokoma's team, with the white hair, he's wicked good. Like professional level. Heard he wants to be a doctor though, he's also crazy smart. Iq around 150." The black-haired boy returned to talking with Kaminari.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow, Kazumi sighed.

"He's not wrong, it's actually closer to 140 but who's counting?"

"And yours?"

"Not important." The boy turned to look at the match but was prevented from doing so.

"Tell me."


Katsuki's eyes were so wide he thought they'd explode.


"Shush! It's not a big deal."



As they bickered they hadn't noticed that a certain blue-haired boy was eyeing them from across the field. He didn't expect to see Bakugo here, much less with his partner. But this was the perfect opportunity to strike.

Found in Japan💫 (Book 2/2 Lost and Found)Where stories live. Discover now