Сhapter 5🗾

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"Dinner time!" Mitsuki called.


Shoto and Katsuki sat side by side, facing the blond's parents. 

"So, brat, I'm curious as to know how someone with an attitude like yours managed to convince someone with an attitude like Shoto's that you'd be a good fit together. Forgive me for saying this but you two have practically nothing in common!" Mitsuki exclaimed, still shocked at the relationship. 

"Actually you old hag, he fell for me first and he confessed out of his own free will, just back then I was not in the right state of mind so we didn't get together until yesterday." Bakugo explained taking a bite out of his curry. Kazumi cringed, remembering the less than ideal circumstances he confessed in. 

"Well that does make sense I suppose." The woman said, drinking some of her water. 

"So Shoto, what do you plan on doing when Katsuki returns to school?" Masaru inquires, facing the younger boy. 

"Ah yes, about that-"

"His grandma doesn't need him until next week, so in the meantime he'll be with me at U.A, got it?" Bakugo glared at his parents, warning them to not protest this decision. 

"Ok then. Is Aizawa aware of this?" 

"I'll let him know tomorrow in class." He shrugs. 

"R-Right." His dad sweat-dropped at that, there's no guarantee the teacher would allow such a drastic and last-minute decision and he knew all too well how his son reacted when things didn't go his way.

The family continued to chat idly between each other as they finished their meals. 

"You two should shower and head off to bed. You both have school in the morning." Mitsuki said, collecting all the plates and silverware.

"Sure." The blond boy grabbed his boyfriend's hand and dragged him up the stairs. 

/ / /

"Right so there's only one bathroom, do you wanna go first?" Katsuki asked. Shoto thought for a moment. 

"I don't mind either way, it's your house." Bakugo rolled his eyes at this, but then he smirked, a devilish idea popping into his head.

"Alright then, we'll just take it together. There's enough space I promise." He grinned watching as the other's usually pale face turn a bright shade of crimson. 

"Don't say such things! Even as a joke!" Kazumi shook his head, trying to keep himself in check. 

"Who said I was joking?" 

Shoto went to retort when he remembered something, something he could use to his advantage. It may cost him a bit of his pride and dignity but it was worth it.

"Why are you so keen on me showering with you anyways? It's not like you haven't already seen me naked." This time it was the blond's turn to be flustered. 

"What are you talking about?!" 

"Don't play dumb, weren't you the one who walked in on me changing back when we lived at my house?" The two-toned male asked innocently.

"I-I...well...that wasn't- UGH you're so frustrating!" Kazumi laughed as his boyfriend struggled to justify his past actions. 

"Calm down, it's not that big of a deal. Now let's go! We have a shower to take!" He smiled, the blond stared at the younger in confusion. 

"Oh come on, don't tell me you're backing down! Are you Katsu~?" Whatever Shoto was doing was working. Bakugo smirked and in one swift movement he picked up the other bridal-style. The peppermint-head not having expected it, yelped in surprise as he was lifted off the ground suddenly. 

Before entering the bathroom the red-eyed male yelled, 


All that was heard before the door was promptly slammed shut was the stunned voice of Mitsuki yelling back, 


/ / /

Katsuki was indeed correct, there was plenty of space in the bathroom. The shower was in the shape of a cube, with a glass door and glass panels surrounding it. The shower head was directly above the drain. The color scheme was mainly cool browns and black. 

Placing his lover on the sink's counter, he turned on the water so it would be warm when they got in. 

"Now then," He began facing the heterochromatic boy. Said boy looked at him curiously.

"Can you undress yourself or do you want me to help you?" 

Found in Japan💫 (Book 2/2 Lost and Found)Where stories live. Discover now