Chapter 14🔱

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"I love you."

"He accepted me."

/ / /

"'re here now?"

"Something like that."

"Come in." The blue-haired boy stepped aside, allowing the brunette into his house.

"What's this all about anyways? We haven't spoken in like 5 years." The boy asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"Well, I fell in love..." She confesses.

"Good for you? I don't know what I'm supposed to say." He replies.

"You're supposed to get rid of his boyfriend! And you can keep him if you want, he's kinda cute I guess." She pulls out her phone showing her friend a picture of said boyfriend when they went skating together.

"Oh yeah he is cute. Ok, I'll help you. So we just have to break them up? That's easy."

"Not really, I already tried the usual tricks. He's a tough nut to crack." She grumbles, remembering her failed attempts at destroying their relationship.

"Hm...we'll have to do something drastic then. Something unforgivable. Know anything about the kid?"

"Literally nothing. Just that he had a rough past but I don't know why it was rough!" She whined at their lack of information.

"Kara, stop. That sound is annoying as fuck." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh hush Niko! Are you in or not?"

"I am so in. You know I love a challenge~"

/ / /

The parents listened as their son continued to pour his heart out.

"And he listens to me, he never gets made when I'm frustrated. He laughs at my jokes no matter how crude or unpleasant they are. He goes along with my narcissistic comments. And don't even get me started on his smile!" He sighs, catching his breath after having rambled for so long.

"What about his smile?" Mitsuki asked, loving every moment of this. Masaru was also very invested.

"It's so...comforting. Like it brings me a type of warmth I can't even describe because only he's brought it to me!"

"Aw~ well isn't that adorable~" His mom gushed, she was always picturing them getting married someday.

"I'm really happy for you son." His dad says, patting his shoulder.

"He's perfect in every way and seems to think that I am too."

"That's because you are." A fourth voice spoke from the top of the staircase.

"Shoto! Come here!" Mitsuki called out.

The boy descended the stairs, and jumped into his boyfriend's arms. Nuzzling into his neck.

"How much did you hear snowflake?" Katsuki questioned.

"All of it?" Kazumi admits.

"Fucking creep." Bakugo mutters, kissing his head.

"You missed."


Looking up from his place in his boyfriend's shoulder, he points to his lips.

"You missed."

Ignoring his mom fan-girling in the background he presses his slightly chapped lips against the younger's soft ones.

"I have to change your bandaid." Katsuki says, setting the shorter down. Opening the Spider-Man themed bandaid he carefully removes the old one that was stained with blood, and replaces it with the new one.

"There, it should be healed by tomorrow." He predicts.

"Thank you Nurse Katsu~" Shoto says, showing his beautiful smile that makes Katsuki's heart melt every time.

"Tch don't mention it. Now come on, let's go back upstairs." Despite his mother's protests, the two make their way back upstairs.

"I'm gonna change." The two-toned boy says, grabbing his clothes and heading towards the bathroom. Leaving his blond boyfriend alone.

'I don't think I've ever been this happy before...'

Time passes and they find themselves cuddling in the large bed looking at their phones. Kazumi is once again playing his cute little games, specifically this one called 'Rent please! Landlord sim' (A/N: currently my favorite mobile game😭🫶)

Bakugo was just scrolling through his instagram feed when he finds a picture of Shoto skating. Furrowing his brows he checks the user. Calming down significantly when he realizes that it's just Nari. He likes the picture and sets the device down.

"We should head to sleep honey." He murmurs to the inattentive boy.

"Aw ok." Turning off his beloved game. He dives in the red-eyed male's broad chest. Snuggling close to him he breathes a sigh on contentment.


"Eh a bit I suppose."

"Well try and get some sleep ok? And if you can't, wake me up I'll hum a song or something got it Icy?" The blond instructs.

"Sir yes sir." Kazumi agrees.

Flipping off the light switch the two eventually fall into a deep peaceful slumber.

Found in Japan💫 (Book 2/2 Lost and Found)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora