Chapter 7🍜

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"Sweet dreams snowflake."

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Katsuki's alarm rang mercilessly at 6:30 am sharp. The pair jumped up in a panic, after 4 weeks of not hearing such a traumatic sound they forgot what it felt like.

"Jesus fuck.." Bakugo muttered, hitting the 'off' button. Shoto rubbed his eyes sleepily, yawning in a similar fashion to a cat.

"Time to get up Shoto." He said, patting his boyfriend's head, the other whined in protest but got up nonetheless.

"You're gonna have to wear one of my uniforms, I think I have one that my mom shrunk by accident in the dryer or something." The blond said, rummaging through his closet.

Kazumi said nothing, just sat on the bed in criss-cross position. He was trying his best to stay awake.

"Aha found you!" The older declared pulling out a uniform that wasn't quite the right size. He also grabbed the one he usually wore.

"Here, go change in the bathroom. I'll change here." Waving off the tired peppermint, he swiftly changed into his school pants and shirt, disregarding the tie and—for the moment—the jacket.

A few minutes later the previous disheveled and drowsy Kazumi walked out of the bathroom looking well-rested and put together. His hair was perfectly spilt down the middle, no dark circles under his eyes, cheeks a nice rosy tint, the school uniform was free of any wrinkles or lint, the tie was put on did he manage that?

"How did you manage that?"

"Manage what?"

"To look this good when you were literally half-asleep last time I saw you. Which wasn't even 5 minutes ago." The blond was gobsmacked, this wasn't humanely possible, was it?

"Practice. Lots of practice."

"Right...let's go downstairs."

The two walked down the stairs, seeing Mitsuki and Masaru in the kitchen and living room respectively.

"Good morning boys! Wow Shoto! The uniform suits you! Brat, maybe you should let him teach you how to tie your tie, you'll at least listen to your boyfriend won't you?" She asked, pointing the spatula she was using at her son. Said son rolled his eyes and flipped her off.


Shoto sighed, how can he have the energy to argue this early in the morning?

"I made pancakes!" Mitsuki announced, apparently too loud for Bakugo's liking.



Kazumi shook his head, he walked over to the man sitting on the couch, who watching the news.

"Good morning Mr. Bakugo." He say politely, bowing a little.

"Haha no need to be all formal with me Shoto, call me Masaru!" The brunette smiled, allowing the other to sit next to him.

"Anything interesting?" Kazumi pointed at the TV.

"No not really, minor villain attacks, pro hero propaganda, advertisements for things no one needs. The usual." Shoto laughed.

"I can see where Katsuki gets his sense of humor from." He said between chuckles.

"You think? That boy is all his mom, looks, attitude, the whole nine yards." The dad looked over the couch, seeing the two blonds head to head in conflict.

"Has it always been like this between them?" The younger wondered out loud.

"You might be expecting me to say 'No! But then something horrible happened and they've been that way ever since' which would make sense when you look at pictures of them when Katsuki was younger. In reality, they just have clashing personalities. Even when Katsuki was little, he could barely stand his mother. He calmed down around me but the similarities between them caused tension. They both insist on always being right, they both have massive egos, the amount of pride they have is incalculable. But at the end of the day, they love each other to pieces." Masaru smiled as he said the last sentence.

"Ah." Shoto's voice cracked, he was very happy his boyfriend had a good relationship with his parents. He just wished he was lucky enough to have had the same. But he wasn't.

"Icy! C'mon!"

Shoto bowed at Masaru and sat down at the table. They began eating in silence. After both plates were empty the blond ran back upstairs and came down with two bags. One was a typical backpack the other was a messenger bag. He was also now wearing the uniform's jacket.

"Here." He handed the messenger bag to Kazumi who placed it around his neck.

"You've got some pencils, a four-color pen, uhhh like two notebooks and some loose paper I think. Doesn't matter. We really gotta get going."

And just like that, they were off!

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