Chapter 4.5🔎

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"Well what is it?"


Bakugo whispered something very quickly. Shoto didn't catch it.

"Could you repeat that?" He asked.

"ˢⁿᵒʷᶠˡᵃᵏᵉ" Bakugo said, a little louder.

This time Kazumi caught it, his smile grew even more. Bakugo Katsuki was a fucking romantic.

"Snowflake?" The two-toned boy repeated, his cheeks tinted pink. Katsuki nodded rapidly, turning his head around and resuming his game.

Hearing soft footsteps approaching him from behind, the blond went to look before his chair was spun around quickly.

His gorgeous boyfriend immediately dove into his chest. Wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Bakugo was taken aback but quickly reciprocated the gesture, wrapping his arms around Shoto's waist.

"What's this for?" Katsuki couldn't help the smile that graced his lips.

"I love you..." The younger muttered against his black shirt.

"I love you too.."

The door was slammed opened once again, Kazumi flinched suddenly but didn't make a move to leave his comfortable position.

"BRAT I-" She cut herself off seeing her son and Kazumi cuddling together. Bakugo just glared at her, not saying anything.

"I made dinner." She finished.

"Ok mom we'll be down soon." Katsuki caressed Shoto's hair, visibly calmer than he was the first time she walked in unannounced.

"Alright honey take your time." The two blondes nodded at each other, and the older left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Hey...snowflake, we gotta go down." Finally using the new nickname Bakugo lifted the peppermint's head up and kissed his forehead.

"Ok Katsu~" Kazumi said, standing up. Holding out his hand for his blond boyfriend to take.

Connecting hands but not letting go the couple made their way downstairs. Greeting Mitsuki Shoto saw a man he didn't recognize, but he assumed it was Bakugo's dad.

"Hello sir. My name is Shoto Kazumi. Pleased to meet you." He stuck a hand out for the browned-hair man to shake.

Unlike his wife and son, Katsuki's dad had a friendly aura surrounding him. He smiled brightly and genuinely at Kazumi, taking his hand eagerly.

"Shoto! Pleasure to meet you too son. Mitsuki told me about you once I got home, said Katsuki finally met someone. My name is Masaru; I'm gonna be honest I thought you were a girl when Mitsuki first mentioned you." Masaru said sheepishly.

"Haha no worries at all." Shoto smiled warmly.

"Yo pops."

"Katsuki! How are you? It's been a moment hasn't it?" His dad asked, pulling his son into a tight hug.

"I've been good. Got myself a boyfriend while I was away." He flaunted.

"I can see that, well you got a pretty one at that." Masaru chuckled, ruffling Katsuki's messy blond hair.

"Dinner time!" Mitsuki called.


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