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Olette had been following the God of Mischief since she joined the team three weeks ago. She had seen him watching her the moment she was introduced to the team. Trying to read her mind but she had been blocking him. From time to time, she'd let him see a smidgen of her thoughts just to keep him intrigued.

She had overheard the mission was a success but Thor pulled a prank at Loki's expense which angered him. Olette knew Loki would be upset and hoped her boldness would not bring on his wrath but calm him down, which was her intent. He did have a temper but she knew she could handle him. Looking at her reflection, she smiled to herself. Her long silver hair was up in a loose bun. Her sheer flowing gown clung in all the right places. The green belt she chose, pushed the material up and accentuated her breasts. She left her feet bare so she could glide effortlessly across the floor. Hearing the doorknob turn to his bedroom door made her swallow hard and cloak herself.

Loki was furious. Leave it to his idiot brother to make him a butt of his joke. He was tempted to turn Thor into a frog yet again. But since these Midgardians still didn't trust him, he thought it best not to upset them too much. Loki was also annoyed since he had been gone for three days and hadn't seen Olette. He had been watching her since she arrived, asking subtle questions about her but the team was quiet. She was a mystery to him he wanted to unravel. He wasn't sure if they were protecting her or distrusting of him. He had tried to read her thoughts but either his magic was rusty or she was blocking him. That couldn't be possible since she's Midgardian, she couldn't have that power, could she?

His thoughts would constantly be of her. Her light gray eyes, her silver long hair, her hips, her legs. He smiled at the last imagine he had of her before he left. He was walking towards the quinjet and turned towards her window, seeing her as she sent him a faint smile. He blinked then she was gone. Was she really there or was it his imagination? He questioned Natasha and Wanda but both were tight lipped regarding the newest team member.

Loki stormed down the hall, past Bruce who was just coming out of his lab but quickly retreated when he saw him. Turning the corner, he turned the knob on his bedroom door, slammed the door and went immediately to the bottle of Asgardian ale, pouring himself a glass. Throwing himself into a chair, he took a quick sip to calm his anger. He stared at his glass moving it, as the amber liquid danced in the glass, he felt as though he wasn't alone. He looked around the room but saw no one.

Olette closed her eyes and read his mind. He was annoyed but calming down after taking a drink. His thoughts went to her. She smiled, took a deep breath and materialized at the far corner of the room.

Movement to his right caught his eye. Olette. He just sat there, watching her with hooded eyes as she walked to the center of the room. Her hips swaying as her low-cut gown hung to her hips. Was this really happening? he thought to himself or was this one of his illusions he conjured without thinking?

Olette tried to calm her nerves. Her heart felt as if it would beat out of her chest as his smoldering green eyes followed her. His lips curled into a faint smile. He finally broke the silence.

"What are you doing, trespassing in my quarters?" he asked calmly, taking another drink from his glass.

Olette watched him take a drink as her eyes followed his head tilt back and then his throat swallow. The room got warmer as the heat between her legs grew. "I heard what happened on the mission."

Loki was reminded of his anger and stood. Casually he placed the glass on the table and walked towards her, like a predator stalking his prey.
Olette knew he was trying to intimidate her and stood her ground. "So you came to mock?" He lifted his eyebrow in question as he stood in front of her.

She tilted her head back to look at him. He was so close she felt his heat. "No, my Prince. I came to see if I can help you forget."

He reached out and touched her cheek softly. Olette closed her eyes and moved her face into his fingertips. Loki felt his groin grow tighter. "And how do you think you can do that, pet?" he said in a husky whisper.

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