Chapter 5

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As the 2 empires were watching the countries, one of them stood up and walked away, the other following along. The countries below were now just admiring the flowers and scenery of the garden, talking with their friends. Poland was reading a book in the tree, still a tiny bit wet from being pushed into the pool by Estonia.

"I think we should get going inside now, it seems like its gonna rain." Germany said as he was looking up through the clear sky-roof. "Oh, your right? Cmon guys!" Australia yelled to the others, who heard him. They went inside, still chattering a bit. There was another fight... They hid, peeking and watching the 2 countries fight. No one was near them...

     Canada punched Russia, who decided to go inside early from the garden. "Don't involve war in this. War has NOTHING to do with it!" Canada said as he hit Russia again, only making Russia bleed more. "What the hell-" Poland said, flicking their wings. "Should we get involved in it?" Germany said, a bit shocked.

    Russia gained his strength, causing him to hit Canada, making Canada fall onto the floor, a bit far away from Russia now. "Shit..." Canada whispered under his breath, feeling his bruises ache harshly. Russia walked towards Canada, crouching down as he was still on the floor. "Don't tell anyone about this." He whispered, his eyes suddenly glowing red and yellow. Canada widened his eyes in shock.

    Russia gave one more hit to Canada's chest, making him groan from pain. Russia then walked away from Canada as if nothing happened. But... how did the fight even start? That remains a mystery... for now. Canada was still thinking about Russia's eyes. Why did they glow red and yellow? Surely it can't be a reference to another country... right?

    The others went to the bruised country, acting clueless and that they never saw the fight. "What happened?!" Armenia said, worried as she observed Canada's bruised arms and face. "Nothing... you guys don't need to know. I'm fine, don't wor- OW! Agh..." Canada was cut off with a painful groan as Armenia pressed on one of the most painful bruises on his arm. "Ah- sorry..." Armenia let go of his arm.

    "We have to get medical help for you. Are there bandages here? Someone get bandages!" America yelled as Germany went to get them. When Germany came back, he was holding a first aid kit. "Here you go, it has everything we need... hopefully." He said as he set the kit down, opening it carefully.

    America took out the bandages, wrapping it around Canada's arms, especially the parts that were bleeding. "Thank you, guys... Luckily you all came and saw me, or maybe it would've been too late. But I can't tell you who did th-" Canada was cut off. "Who did it. Tell me who fucking did this to you. TELL ME." America said, angry. "I... I can't.... Russia did this..." Canada said, a bit hesitant to say it.

    "I'm gonna kill that fucker..." America whispered under his breath as he stood up, speed-walking to find Russia. "America! Wait! Don't!" Armenia yelled as she followed America. "I'm gonna beat that bitch up until he bleeds out of his mouth..." America said. "America, don't do this, we came here for a reason, and one of those reasons is to not fight! You might start a wa-" Armenia suddenly went quiet.

    America grabbed her wrist. "Shut up. You have no right to get involved in this." America said sternly, as Armenia was struggling to break free from his grasp. He finally let go of her wrist, as he found Russia. He aimed a punch at the country, but... Russia reacted quickly, dodging.

    "You think you can beat me?" Russia said, chuckling a bit. "You wanna hurt one of my close friends? Then let's fight, cause I'm not letting you win." America mumbled, as he cracked his knuckles, ready to fight. "Ahahaha... then let's begin, weakling." Russia said under his breath, his eyes suddenly glowing red and yellow again.

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