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The house looked beautiful. Simple yet elegant.

It looked warm and inviting as it gleamed with the light coming from inside. I noticed as well that the perimeter lights were switched on to illuminate the surrounding areas of the property. The sound of wind chimes could be heard softly, as a gentle breeze blew to rustle the leaves of the tall Pine tree beside me.

I slowly approached Tristan's house with Spencer at my side, his leash dangling loosely. He stopped and looked up at me as if to say: "We're home." And I couldn't help but smile at his innocent looking face, with eyes that shined so brightly.

Reaching the perfectly constructed picket fence, I turned to look at Omar who stood across the road leaning against the silver Rolls Royce I rode in. He gave me two thumbs up, willing me to finish what I came here to do, and I nodded.

I unlatched the opening to the pathway that lead to the main door of the house. Reaching the front porch, I took a deep breath before softly knocking. I listened carefully, hearing my heart beat louder than the crickets that chirped merrily in the night.

There was no answer.

I tried again, and in seconds I heard his low masculine voice answer from within the thick, and heavily carved wooden door that separated us.

"Hey! I was just on my way out to find you..." He began saying, almost out of breath as he fixed the purple form fitting shirt he was trying to put on.

"I need to talk to you, and by talk I mean I need you to listen without interrupting me. I have a lot to say, and having you cut me off may cause my train of thoughts to spiral out of topic. Can you do that for me. Please?"

"Sure." He replied. "Do you want to come in for a minute? I just got back from Hank's restaurant."

I shook my head and handed him the dog leash.

"Oh no. Wait, don't do this again Munchie. Please, I..."

"You promised to listen." He took the leash, then nodded without a word.

"For the longest time, it has been Riley and me against the world.

"He was the very first person to defend me when I was being bullied in mid-school. The first guy to share his advice, time, and attention with me. The first even to stand up for me against his own father. Having said that, it is not surprising therefore that I found myself falling for him. His undeniable good looks, his dazzling smile, his sexy voice became the standard in which I based my level of attraction for anyone. He was my dream guy." I saw Tristan shift in his stance, clearly wanting to say something, but keeping quiet none-the-less so as not to interrupt my monologue.

"It was easy for me to choose Riley, and Kahlil because they both had something in common... they were both already taken. As such, I knew that whatever inability, whatever I lacked, whatever I did not have, all these could be provided by their respective wives or partners, and I would be off the hook to strive to be everything for them. It was my safety net, an easy way out for me to pretend that it would not hurt if I lost them since I knew from the very start... they weren't mine completely to begin with.

"It's different with you.

"You had no one other than me to pour all your time, attention, and affection on. I was blinded by fear, and I was unable to see how you gave everything to me to the point that I have taken everything away from you... even your worth, and your identity.

"I do not deserve you. And yet... I cannot live without you.

"I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to forgive you, and return to you. I was afraid, I have always been afraid. You flirting with the models opened my eyes to the truth, that you could leave me at any given time once you've realized how lacking I am, how imperfect, how unappealing."

"You're La Fae, how could you think that way?"

"La Fae is just a title, it's just work. Beneath it all, what do I have that's worth your time and interest?"

"Then I guess you don't know yourself the way I know you."

"Still... I'm unsure if you still want me after all that I've put you through."

"How can you still doubt my feelings for you?"

"I had to be sure, because after tonight... no one else will come before you. I've finally found my courage to choose... to choose the one that was truly right for me.

"I choose you Tristan. Today, and for the rest of my life. I'd like to come home now, please?" I felt my eyes start to moisten.

"You don't know how much you've made me happy, Munchie."

"I know I'm stretching my luck here, but I have a big favor to ask you."

"Ask away, my love." He smiled, while wiping a tear from my cheek.

I slowly got down on one knee infront of him while fishing out a little red box from my jacket. Nervously clearing my throat, I opened the box to show him an intricately interwoven lavander and white wedding band.

"Marry me Tristan Frost? Make me the happiest person on this planet?" I shyly smiled at him.

"I thought you'd never ask." He smiled brightly at me as he too kneeled to capture my lips in his with a tender, and loving kiss. Spencer excitedly started barking, and began licking both Tristan's and my face as we both laughed heartily.

It was then that I knew... what coming home truly felt like. There was no running away from this.

This was... for eternity.

<3 <3 <3 The End <3 <3 <3

Moments Series Book 3: &quot;Moments That Bind...&quot;Where stories live. Discover now