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Love is not a feeling... but a choice.

A choice of whom to give your heart to. Who to stay loyal to. Who to cherish for the rest of your life.

I've learned that the hard way.

I was too late to realize my true feelings for Munchie. I was reluctant to admit what he was to me... and for that I lost my chance.

Tristan knew from the very begining what he felt. He was not afraid to let his feelings show. He has always been there for Munchie, while I hid behind the lie that I only saw him as a dear friend... and nothing more.

The day he was to marry Tristan I had a panic attack. What if I lost him forever?

He was my bestfriend, my sounding board, the Dr. Jekyll to my Mr. Hyde. When he's around I seldom lose my temper, my focus, my motivation. How then could I afford to lose him?

Tristan was a thorn on my side. This is all his fault. He has always tried to separate me from Munchie... and it seems that he has succeeded.

He lay on the ground as I rained punches on him. He tried to block my every strike, at times succeeding, but a couple or so landed squarely on his jaw, chin, and forehead.

I was full of anger. Anger at the unfairness of it all. Losing Munchie to him. Having to work at building my relationship again with Lori. Explaining my side to the people who mattered the most exactly what was happening to me.

I felt two pair of hands grab me from behind to yank me off of Tristan. I struggled to get free, but both Hank and Alejandro were too much for me to deal with.

Tristan got up, dusting his jeans and shirt as I continued to glare at him whilst still trying to shake away the hands that tried to restrain me.

"I brought you here to settle this problem once and for all, not to watch you smash each other's heads off!" Hank heaved once he had me standing far enough from Tristan.

"He started it!" I know I sounded like a child.

"What are you even mad about? Shouldn't you be happy? I'm giving you Munchie. I'm leaving. You've won. I get it... I'm not as good enough a person as you are. Munchie deserves someone as perfect as you." Something was wrong, Tristan was acting differently. Like he's accepted his defeat, and didn't care about the whole mess anymore.

"What are you talking about, you stupid ape! Munchie chose you over me!" I shouted back at him.

"I can't go through this all over again, Riley. Take him. I've already lost him twice. I can't keep running after him. It's always been you. I get that now. I understand that I can never make him happy the way you could. So, go ahead. Find Munchie... build a happy life togerher. I wish you both the best of luck." He wiped the blood on his lip as he turned his back to everyone present in Hank's restaurant, about to exit the door. He had a defeated look on his face, his shoulders hunched.

My anger started to rise again, without thinking I lunged at him and started pummeling his back with punches.

"You dumb, stupid, ape! You don't get it it! I lost! I freaking lost... to you! Munchie chose you because he loves you more. Now get your sorry flat, unappealing ass out there and find him!" I felt the same pairs of hands yank me off Tristan.

"He doesn't love..."

"Shut the fuck up! Listen to me for once. Not because I've always been right..." Hank snickered behind me.

"Fine! Listen to me for once because I'm far more good looking than you." I got no reaction from anyone this time.

"I can't let Munchie down. I made this mess, it's my job to clean it. Please... please, please go to Munchie. You can't leave him like this, Tristan. I made a mistake. Munchie loves you. I'm sorry. I apologize.

"Just please... he deserves all the happiness in the world. Don't do this to him Tristan." I didn't notice it at first, but the tears in my eyes made me aware of how much I was hurting too.

"What about you?" Tristan asked, looking concerned. And at that particular instance, he proved why he was the better person. Hurting as he was, he was still considerate of what I was feeling.

"Don't worry about me, man. I have plans of winning Lori back. Just, go... find Munchie. Make him happy. Promise me?" I was almost begging.

"On one condition." Tristan smirked.

"Name it."

"You'll name your next kid after me."

"What are you talking..." And then it dawned on me. The past few days that Lori was feeling sick. Her countless naps. Her loss of appetite.

"That's the reason why she's so emotional right now, you fool. That's why she stormed out of the chapel, and wouldn't listen to reason. Win her back Riley. And don't forget your promise."

"Oh god, your name has got to be the ugliest name, and you want my kid to have it?"

"It's that or..."

"Fine! You had to rub salt on the wound. You already have Munchie, now..." I sighed. "Fine. Yes. If it's a boy, I'll name him Trevor."

"It's Tristan!"

"Fine. Terrence it is then."


"Just go... find Munchie will you!" And Tristan ran out of the restaurant with a beaming smile, as I felt relieved that I've solved one problem.

"That was really nice of you kid." Hank patted my back.

"You really love Munchie, don't you?" Cash said, sitting on a barstool nursing his drink.

"I do. Always have." And my heart ached for a lost love.

"Focus that love on Lori, Reina, and your new baby." Candice handed me a glass of whiskey, while smiling saddly.

"Thank you." I replied, knowing I did the right thing... but feeling all the more worse for letting go of Munchie.

Moments Series Book 3: "Moments That Bind..."Where stories live. Discover now