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I sat.

As still as a statue.

The beeping heart monitor repeatedly gave me strength. It assured me that Kahlil was still alive. That he will get well. And that he will return to me.

Still in my bloodied robe, I refused to leave his side.

We were at the basement of the house which was converted into a high tech medical facility in preparation of such an emergency such as this.

Kahlil spared no expense into ensuring that if and when the situation turned dire, we would both have the best care we could get away from any hospital... away from any prying eyes.

"We need to take him away from here. He needs to come back to the desert, with us. There can be no trace that he was ever here with you, or he stands to lose his title."

"Is it advisable for him to travel? He's badly wounded..." I answered without looking at Amir.

"We have no choice La Fae. Already you've seen what these extremists are capable of doing. They will not stop at anything to achieve their goal. It is important that we keep this secret relationship between you and the Caliph... a secret." Amir explained as he stood speaking in hushed tones at the foot of the bed where Kahlil lay just barely out of danger.

"I do not wish to be separated from him." The tears started to fall.

"If he were concious, he would most certainly say the same thing La Fae. But more than his title... my dear old friend is fighting for his very life right now. If he stays here with you, we are denying him the medical expertise that he needs. This facility is only a temporary remedy, we still need to get him home. True, the bullet missed hitting his heart and vital organs, but he is not out of danger yet. He badly needs his team of trusted doctors now."

"I understand." I reluctantly agreed. "Take him, but take good care of him Amir. And please keep me updated through the personal number he uses to call me."

"You will hear from me daily. I promise. Now you must go as well. We all need to leave this place before any more snipers are sent... or worse, reporters."

I made to stand. Rising slowly, I raised his limp right hand and gently kissed it. Placing his hand on his chest, I said my goodbye to the man who gave me so much, and asked so little in return.

"I love you. So very much." I bent to kiss his forhead, as a sob escaped my lips.

"I will assign you my right hand man, Hassan, and two other men to protect and escort you safely until your private plane has taken off. Pray that the Caliph awakens soon from this ordeal. Only then can we all breathe a sigh of relief."

"He will never be far from my thoughts or prayers. I will always pray for what's best for him." I nodded, as I made my way to the door.

"La Fae, you must take this as well." He removed Spencer's whistle from Kahlil's wrist, and handed it to me.

I reached out for the shiny object, and clutching it tightly made my way up the stairs to the master's bedroom to pack my bags... unsure if I'd ever see my Caliph ever again.

Moments Series Book 3: "Moments That Bind..."Where stories live. Discover now