Elven Kiss

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I enter the tree-like building, hoping to buy some of the chorus fruit cookies scar often selled. I walk over to the chests only to find them empty.

'Huh, that's weird. There's always usually some in here'

I then hear some shuffling higher up in the tree "Scar?'' I called out. He lets out a muffled, "Be there in a second!" A few moments later there's a sudden crash and soon after a pained, "Actually you can just come up here!" was heard.

I quickly flew up there and was welcomed by the sight of Scar on the ground surrounded by broken bottles and boxes. I rushed to his side to help him up. "So how did this happen?" i ask while trying to stifle my laughter

"Would you believe me if I said I was attacked while standing still?" he said sheepishly. "No , I wouldn't" I start to chuckle while Scar starts telling me what happend, and I notice something out of the corner of my eye, they're the cookies "-And so everything fell on me!" he starts to chuckle.

"Hey Scar, may I have an Elven Kiss?" I give him my most charming smile, he looks at me, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Oh uh, Sure Gri!" He placed his hand on my cheek, leaned down and pressed his lips against my own. My face felt warm and before I could react he pulled away. "Uh, Scar, the cookie" I said while pointing to the tray of cookies on the counter. Scar looked like a deer caught lights, face beet red.

He started to avoid eye contact, stuttering, going on about how he misunderstood "O-oh well that is, is funny! Oh do you hear that? Someones calling for me!"

I look at him confused "I don't hear anything? Scar-" I'm interrupted by a sound coming from our Comunicaters, it was Impulse asking for Scar's help with something. Scar started to quickly walk to the nearest exit being the open window

"Hah, would you look at that? Sorry Grian gotta go, bye!" He flew out and my pleas fell on deaf ears.

It's been a few days since then, and everytime me and scar are in the same place he leaves as soon as I arrive, every message I send him never received a reply.

I entered the tree-like building like I did four days ago, looking for the Elven Kisses. The cookies, not Scars, you know. I'm about to open the chest when I hear someone enter the room.

I look behind me to see scar walking in mumbling to himself, seeming to be lost in thought.

"Scar?" He looked up at me shocked to see someone there. "Oh Hello there Grian! I'm sorry I didn't see you there, but I forgot something so I'm gonna go" He starts to back up but I stop him "Wait Scar, can we please talk about what happened? Please don't leave'' His eyes darted between me and the entrance, contemplating on whether or not to leave or stay.

"Alright then, you're right, we need to talk. I'm so sorry about before, when I kissed you. I forgot what the cookies were called for a second and heard 'Elven' I never meant to make you uncomfortable, I just-" He just kept on rambling, soon enough it was so fast I could hardly understand what he was saying.

"Scar! Scar, it's alright! You didn't make me uncomfortable! In fact I... kinda liked it? If that's not too weird." He looks at me, the same look he had when I told him I meant the cookies.

"You liked it?" Scar asks, cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Yeah, and, um, if you're comfortable with it, may I have another Elven kiss? Not talking about the cookies this time" I start feeling my cheeks getting warmer with each word. He looks at me, seemingly in a daze. Scar then smiles gently, placing his hands on my waist. Me in return wrapping my arms around his neck and slowly closing the distance between us.

Just as we are about to kiss we hear a familiar "SSSSS" and quickly jump away from each other. We turned around to see Cleo in a creeper costume.

"HAH! I finally got you two assholes back!" She starts laughing while me and Scar look at each other, soon we start laughing along with her.

Maybe I'll get my Elvin Kiss later

Thank you for Reading!

(Inspired by sourcubes on Tumblr)

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