A date! As friends of course...

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((Hello!! Okay so this shot takes place at the rebuilt mushroom castle, right after the movie so beware!! SPOILERS!! Not many tho and its my own cannon bc cannon? Whos she, anyway hope yall enjoy the fic!! Prefic warnings theyre in my design where smg4 has star gauges and smg3 has skull ones. Lmk what yall want next!! Next chapter ill be uploading my art too sooooo))

Smg3 sat in smg4s floor talking away about how they just finished the last bit of the castle grounds. Of course Four was already starting the new video about how they found a spot almost exactly like where the mushroom kingdom was! "Mario convinced the boos to come back to the garden too, all thanks to you Four." Three smiled at him and Four chuckled. "You know i couldn't have done it without you Three, thanks again... For helping me... I was in a really bad funk."
Three blushed softly at that. "Well what else are friends for? Hey how about we go out to celebrate? I dont think anyone would like for you to get stuck on 'the perfect video' again."
Four perked up and nodded. "Yeah! That actually sounds great Three! We should go to that one Italian seafood restaurant! Maybe we should invite mario and meggy?" Three shook his head, "Well last time we did that Mario ordered the calamari thinking it was a pasta and Meggy left the resteraunt screaming!" Three laughed as four frowned. "Oh yeah.. Well maybe we could just go?" He asked as three stopped. "Like a date?" "Well whats a date between friends? I'm gonna go and get ready, and make sure mario didnt max out my credit card again on phingus's" With that Smg3 was left alone in smg4's computer room.

Now was the time for Three to panic. Nothing looked right, not even the little bit of eyeliner he put on looked normal!! He was just waiting outside the castle for his homie! Yup!! Nothing more- not like he hadn't thought about it- just Four doesnt like him like that. Theyre just friends and thats all they'd ever be. Three sighed softly at the thought, not trying to ruin his own mood. Tonight was supposed to be fun? Right? Just as he told his mind to stop racing Smg4 stepped out making Three's heart race now. "Wow Four you sure know how to clean up." Four smiled. "Yeah, and the taxi should be here any minute, Mario apparently crashed my car an hour ago because he thought we ran out of spaghetti again." Three rolled his eyes and smiled. "Well i guess thats what we get for being friends with him." Four nodded laughing slightly. "I couldnt care less honestly, you guys mean the world to me." Three smiled back and nodded. "Four you're the glue that holds us all together and I'm glad to be apart of your wacky friends."

Four smiled at three as the taxi pulled up. It luckily wasnt a very long ride, they did look a little underdressed for the place but who cares? They didn't at all! "So for the next video i was thinking Three, maybe we work together on it?" Four looked hopeful as three looked stunned. "Of course!- er not because i like hanging out with you or anything but just to make sure you don't accidentally summon a demon again." He quickly sajd with a huff as Four rolled his eyes with a smile. The hostess sat them down at a table with glee. A waitress was next with some waters, weird they hadn't asked for them yet. "Hello you two! What a great day to be out, anything i can get you to start with? We have cola and pepsi products if youd like something other than water." Four smiled politely at her as three frowned at her cheery mood. "No thank you, we'll need a bit to see what wed like." Four said looking over at three who already started looking at the menu.

After they ordered smg4 started talking again. "Sooo how is the new castle life? Are you settling in, well other then when youre with me, when youre there?" Three picked at the pasta he ordered slightly. "Well yeah but, i dont know, i just feel out of place. I dont know how you do it, all of marios antics and toad constantly getting ahold of guns. I really dont know how you keep up." Three shrugged but felt like he should be used to it by now. "Its an acquired taste i guess, peach really tries to keep the guns from the toads but when theyre needed theyre needed." Four shrugs and picks at his own food. The two of them were having a great time until the waitress came back. "Hey would you two like deserts? We have a couples discount." She assumed they were a thing, which had three turned bright red. "No-o!! Its not like that me and Smg3," he motioned for her to come closer, "are closeted." No way was he missing that discount. Then he pulled out his phone and texted smg3 what he just did for the discount. "What the hell Four?" Four shrugged. "Whats the harm in wanting discounted deserts?" Four smiled innocently as Three rolled his eyes. Four got the deserts anyway and got handed the bill.

After finishing and paying the two left the restaurant. "We should do this again sometime Three!" Four smiled as three sighed. "Yeah thatd be nice Four." Four looked confused. "Was your food not great? You sound disappointed." Three thought for a second, before ultimately deciding Four should know. "No but dont pretend to date someone who actually wants to date you dude, its not exactly the best feeling in the world." That caught Four off guard. "You.. Want to date me?" He asked blushing slightly at three. "Yes." Three stated simply before starting to walk away and call a taxi. Four followed, still red in the face. "Hey three before we go." Four said softly and awfully close tho the other but three only raised a brow. Then it happened Four kissed his cheek. Three blushed before looking back at smg4. "Does that mean?" Three started to ask before getting hugged. "Ive been waiting for you to tell me Mario kept trying to convince me that you're hella gay for me but i wanted to get it from you." He said softly going to now hold threes hand. "I love you you dork." Three said with a smile and four kissed his cheek again. "I love you too."

((WOW WHAT A PERFECT ENDING!!! sorry about all the spelling mistakes im gonna toss this on my pc before posting it to ao3 but heres yalls food after YEARS of no updates))

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