when the last petal falls

Start from the beginning

Bokuto:are you shitting me right now your life is important

Sho:drop it let’s go back to practice

Akaashi:there you two are i was going to send someone to look for you

Sho walked pass him grabbed a volleyball threw and spiked it hard enough to leave a dent

Sho’s pov

I wish you accept me but you have a strong relationship and i will feel like the third wheel I won’t be able to keep up i will only be in the way and bokuto i know you're worried about me but i have accepted my fate


kaashi was getting worried he grabbed enno and they agreed to talk to bokuto because they feel like he is hiding something

Akaashi:bokuto san what is going on with Hinata he is not he’s normal sunshine self he has been avoiding me and Chickira so what do you know

Bokuto started to get nervous he couldn’t keep a secret not even from his childhood best friend akaashi so he cracked he had to tell them sho wasn’t going too

Bokuto:💭sorry sho but i can't let you do what you are planning

*Sighs* fine sho is dying Hanaharki you and enno are his crushes but he has until the last petal falls that all i know

Little do they know the last petal falls tonight so they are on a time limit and sho has already left the building and gone home Bokuto looked around

Bokuto:wait where is sho

Everyone else looked even Konoha

Konoha:Who saw the coming or going on my cousin

Everyone: …

Dead silence

They started looking for him
With sho he was at home locked his door and started  choking he was able to shoot a quick text to bokuto

Sho:📲bokuto help me

📲Hoot hoot

Bokuto looked at his phone and yelled

Bokuto:guys i just got a text from sho

Akaashi:what did he say

Bokuto:help me oh shit guys we need to get to his house now

They ran to his house bokuto look at Konoha and said

Bokuto:Konoha do you have a spare key

Konoha: yeah auntie gave me one in case I needed to come pick sho up or drop him off why what’s going on

Bokuto:your cousin is dying dumbass

Everyone: WHAT?!

Konoha quickly opened the door  and yelled

Konoha:Cuz cuz it me where are you

No response

Bokuto:everyone split akaashi enno with me we are going to his room

Konoha: its upstairs first door you see

They ran and got to the door akaashi turned the knob


Bokuto:stand back

He kicked the door they were greet with sho laying on the bed surrounded by petals and he looked like he was fitting


okuto:the last petal is about to fall

Ennoshita:what happens if it does

Bokuto:his life is over and he is will to let it

Akaashi:huh why and who are his crushes

Bokuto:he is will to let it end for you two


Bokuto:yes look at the petal colours orange for Karasuno yellow for fukurodani save my student please don’t let him end his life like this

Ennoshita:why was he will to give up for us

Bokuto:because you two were already in a relationship he was scared he wouldn’t be accepted he was scared he would be able to keep up he was scared he will just be a third wheel

Ennoaka:that would never happen

While they were talk it was quiet too quiet like all movement had stopped that’s because it had while they had been talking the last petal had fallen but they hadn’t realised it yet until now

Akaashiguys is it me or has it gone quiet

They looked to sho he was still and very little colour was left so very little sign of life was left enno and akaashi walk up to him

Ennoaka:Shit sho what have we done to you please don’t leave us if there is a chance to still save you right please listen to us we love you we will take what ever chance there is to save you but come back

Akaashi:please i want our sunshine you’re the only thing that kept the darkness from our life your the light we need in our relationship please love

Akaashi started crying

Suddenly they heard coughing


Sho:You saved me why i was willing to go peacefully and you wouldn’t notice

Ennoshita:Honey would of notice

Akaashi:Yeah love please don’t do this


Ennoaka:Did you not hear us the first time we love you sho

Sho:Love you guys too

They hugged and sho was accepted with open arms all those what ifs were for nothing they were happy and to have him in their realtionship he told them everything and why he was willing to leave them and they gripped him tight and said not happening you are staying for good even when last petal falls
The end

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