"And what about the Formless Mother and the Full Moon?" Melina asked.

(Y/n) clicked his tongue in thought. "Ideally, we should figure out what's happening with Sellen first. The Formless Mother definitely didn't sound like much of an ally when she was talking with the other Outer Gods, which can only mean she plans to use Sellen to manipulate or harm us. The Full Moon, on the other hand, certainly seems like an ally, through Ranni and through Sellen."

"And the Fell God?" Melina asked.

(Y/n) was silent, silently gesturing to Melina. She read between the lines, sighing lightly. "Okay, the Fell God is still being deciphered. It's to be seen if he's our ally or our enemy."

(Y/n) nodded to Melina in acknowledgement. "Since you're personally experiencing the effects of his involvement, I'll be relying on your say in the future."

Melina opened her mouth, but before she could speak, there was a roar a fair bit louder than anything the two had encountered before. The roar shook the very ground they were standing on, and it threatened to crack the very ground they were on.

(Y/n) and Melina looked at one another before their eyes were pulled to the massive dragon that was beginning to stand up on its hind legs.

And the word massive was not an exaggeration. With a size that easily dwarfed the Elden Beast, Placidusax, and the Fire Giant all added together, the mother of all dragons, Greyoll was utterly gigantic. It was as if she was a titan with how she even dwarfed over Radahn's immensity, making him look like a mere house pet.

Her roar was less like a sound and more like a natural disaster. It shook everything, threatening to burst the eardrums of any poor bystander within a few miles. For Melina, as a spirit she didn't have eardrums to burst, and for (Y/n), his body was strong enough to bear against the sound, no matter how utterly deafening it was.

The three Shadows managed to bear against the weight of the ear-shattering roar, but they were all stunned heavily by it.

Turning to Melina, (Y/n) gave her a nod, and she quickly flickered away, leaving the immediate threat of Greyoll. With Melina out of the immediate danger, (Y/n) dashed forward, pushing against the ridiculously long roar.

Thirty seconds later, (Y/n) was next to Radahn, Godrick, and Grey. Radahn was to his right, Godrick was to his left, and Grey was behind him. Just being near (Y/n) boosted the Shadows' morale, and they stood a bit taller against Greyoll's mighty roar.

And after about a solid minute of the Elder Dragon's bellows, they ended. Flying around her was a thunder of lesser dragons, all strong enough to be threats to most of (Y/n)'s Shadows. (Y/n) looked out and whistled to himself, counting over one hundred of the flying monsters. And that, of course, was ignoring Greyoll, who was clearly the biggest threat.

"Well," (Y/n) huffed, whistling. "I guess Radahn wasn't enough of a mess, huh? Fine. Let's go."

All at once, the ground shattered, (Y/n) disappearing. In a black blur, he ran uphill, his scythe appearing in his hand and beginning to decapitate the dragons in his path. He shot past them all, his attention falling on Greyoll, who was peering down at him with terrifying nonchalance.

Greyoll opened her mouth, and a terrifying light began glowing from within her throat. All at once, (Y/n) felt a chill shoot through him, his Umbral Robes warning him of an incoming attack. It was going to be big, far bigger than anything he'd encountered on his restarted journey yet.

At once, the energy spilled out in a swirling beam of light. It moved at unbelievable speeds, at around not quite at the speed of light, but over Mach 3 regardless. At that short of a distance, (Y/n) couldn't dream of dodging.

[Shadow Sovereign's Second Try!] Elden Ring x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now