That was how it seemed. As the smell of Axe body spray and floral mist swirled and mixed in the air with all the teenage hormones, she stood, practically feeling the flashing lights touch her. She was one of them. She was finally one of them. She belonged.

After several moments, Rooker returned, passing her a plastic cup full of fizzing soda pop, still smiling.

"Here you go." He took a sip of his own drink as his eyes traced her. "You know, you look really pretty in that dress."

She could feel her face burn as it flushed red as she stammered. "T-thank you. Y-you look g-good too. I really l-like your shirt."

He smirked and took another swig of his drink. "How about we walk a bit?"


She followed him, walking along his side as they climbed to the top level. She took slow and steady sips of her soda as they moved, sneaking peeks at Rooker. Her heart fluttered as she caught him glimpsing at her. Eventually, as she swallowed another swig, she found the courage to speak.

"Can I be honest?"

He paused but nodded. "Sure. What's up?"

She ran her fingers along the cool plastic. "I'm not t-trying to sound lame, but I'm surprised you asked me to be your d-date."


"I figured you would have a-asked Amani."

"Amani? Why would I have asked her?" He laughed.

She shrugged. "I don't know. She's pretty and popular. It feels like every guy wants her."

She sucked her lips in. It was a nerve-wracking confession. In the logic of it all, she couldn't figure out how she had been the one chosen over Amani, especially by Rooker. Even as she stood before him, her eyes drifted to the pretty girl with long pink hair cascading down her smooth back.

Amani was below, standing with her friends as the music played. She could see how the girl laughed and joked, looking so perfect in what was supposed to be the most awkward phase of their lives. Her hair fell perfectly. The sparkling white dress she was wearing clung to her body perfectly. Her makeup and skin were even and perfect. She even walked in the heels she was wearing perfectly.

Perfect. She was perfect.

"Ya know, I didn't ask Amani because I didn't want to go with her," Rooker said, pulling her concentration back to him. He smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I asked you because you're who I wanted to come here with." More heat dusted across her face as she flushed red. He continued. "Come on. Let's stop thinking about that and just have fun. Okay?"


They finished their drinks and continued to walk before returning to the dance floor. Time moved by, progressing quickly as she laughed and danced. She was having fun, enjoying every moment as the music pulsated in her ears. And with Rooker there, she felt like a princess.

That was until a twinge of pain pulled at her stomach as it began to gurgle.

She froze, feeling the cramps and pain pull at her that she recognized all too well. She had to use the restroom, and fast. The contracting of her stomach demanded it.

She leaned close, speaking into Rooker's ear. "Sorry, b-but I need to use the restroom. I'll b-be back."

"Okay. I'll be here."

She turned to exit the gym, but just as she reached the door, Amani and three of her friends blocked her path. Each shot her wicked smirks with even colder stares, and her heart dropped.

"Where are ya going?" Amani asked. "The night is young. Shouldn't you be enjoying your time with Rooker?"

Another gurgle. "I-I am, but I j-just needed to step out for a minute."

"And leave Prince Charming?" Amani placed her hands on her shoulders and turned her, steering her back to Rooker. "Tonight, you're a princess. Shouldn't the princess dance with her prince?"

"I will," she tried to say. "I just need –"

But Amani didn't listen. She practically pushed her into Rooker's arms. All the while, her stomach continued to clench and groan. She thought she was going to be sick. She could feel the discomfort and pain welling within her gut, but she still tried to smile.

"Awe. Look how cute you two are," Amani said. "We really should commemorate this. Oh! How about a picture?"

She wanted to say no. She wanted to protest and dash to the nearest restroom, but it was already too late. As Amani began to snap various pictures of the pair, she could feel her body fail her and her bowls release. Against her will, a stream of brown rolled down her legs, and even with the flashing lights, she knew they could see.

Rooker broke away quickly as the gymnasium filled with bursts of laughter, including Amani's. She snapped another picture.

"Eww. You're how old and still not toilet trained? That's disgusting!"

"Gross! And it smells! I can smell it from here!" One of Amani's friends cackled as she held her nose.

The laughter continued to boom around her as she glanced around, overflowing with embarrassment. Her eyes met Rooker's and her heart dropped. He stood in the corner with his friends, snickering as he looked at her.

Amani took another picture. "Awe. Poor thing. Tonight was supposed to be so special. You were supposed to be a princess. Too bad it didn't go that way." She held up the camera. "And too bad your freaky quirk can't delete this! Looks like the only thing you're going to be princess of is the shit princess!"

A new wave of laughter cracked through the gym, prompting the music to stop and the lights to be flipped back on. Still, that didn't stop the laughter that was circling around her.

Amani and her friends, everyone – even Rooker – was laughing, and they were all laughing at her. Every last one of them, and she knew it was supposed to be that way. It was all planned. Rooker asking her to the dance. Him getting her a drink. Amani blocking her. It was all a strategic plan they had all taken place in.

Warm tears began to well, but she blinked them away. She didn't want to give them any more satisfaction. They had already humiliated her enough. She didn't want to feed into that more.

And yet, she heard the click of the camera and saw Amani. She smiled at her, waving the camera in a taunt. She laughed and beamed with excitement at the discomfort she had played a role in. And that caused the blood in her veins to boil.

It happened quickly and without intent. It wasn't planned or warned. It was already too late when the teachers saw what she was doing. As they ran to her, the shift in the air had already happened, zapping as she glared at Amani and the others. Their features morphed from amused to confused to terrified.

She was just starting to blink away the anger when a teacher rested her hand on her shoulder, looking over at the other students. Her touch was firm and her voice trembled as she asked the girl one question.

"What have you done, Illika?"

And how she felt oh, so cold.

**Hello, lovelies! So, that was a bit of a Mean Girls kinda prologue, huh? Don't worry, we will eventually see how this all ties into the story. But that wasn't very nice of Amani and Rooker, was it? That was a very mean and over-the-top prank. Ignored at home and ostracized at school. Poor girl. But that was the prologue! Hopefully, it caught your interest! Stay tuned for way more! Thank you so, so much for being here! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv you!! <3**

-Noel Ross

Her Forgotten ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now