Chapter 11 - Allies or Enemies?

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( - Kreek POV - )
As tens of RWMO members lunged forward with swords in-hand, trying to attack myself, TanqR, and Hoopie, I hesitated and froze. My instinct ordered that I attack the RWMO members, but my mind told me otherwise. These people...were my allies when I was apart of the RWMO. I can't just kill them, can I?

Fortunately, as I was hesitating, TanqR and Hoopie covered for me, defending me from the RWMO members. Lego had left—probably going back to the RWMO headquarters to break the news to everyone else. I took a step back, uncertainty swamping me.

"Ay Kreek, make up your mind!" TanqR called over the sound of swords clashing and fire burning. His fire powers seemed to be extra effective in the snow—which was obvious by the insane amount of snow that caught aflame all at once.

"Well—I—" I stuttered.

I can't fight them, I realized. But...I can't betray TanqR and Hoopie, either. I—I have to get away from here. That's all I could think. I looked for an opening. I saw TanqR fall below at least fifteen RWMO members. Regret filled me. Could I really just leave him there to die? I wanted to run, I wanted to hide, I wanted to flee from all of my thoughts and decisions. But I couldn't. I had to make a choice, and fast.

I lunged forward and begin throwing RWMO members off of TanqR. I was simply helping him—even though he was the 3rd most powerful monster, he couldn't handle tens of RWMO members all on his own. Maybe ten, but fifteen? No, at this point, there were twenty of them, all trying to kill him with their swords, knives, metal bats, etc. The RWMO had many different weapons depending one the person's fighting style, which helped make each member more powerful and more comfortable with fighting monsters.

"Good, he chose a side." I faintly heard one of TanqR's thoughts. Ocean-blue flames lit up on the few remaining RWMO members, causing them to jump away screaming in pain. TanqR stood back up, parrying the blow of one of the RWMO members that once again tried to attack him—despite just watching their allies get set aflame.

"Kreek, you may wanna look to your left." TanqR warned suddenly. I turned to the side just in time to block the attack of another RWMO member. I punched them in the stomach and they went flying backwards, disappearing into the snowstorm. A couple other RWMO members ran after them. Guilt immediately tore through me.

"Is there any way we can leave?" I asked.

"...nah, not yet. Too risky." TanqR replied, hesitating at first. He turned away. Was he lying to me? If so, then why? Why would he lie about being able to get out of this warzone? I stared at him for a moment.

"How so?" I shot back. "I don't see the danger of it. Besides, you're a high rank. Shouldn't you be able to get out of here easily?"

Two can play this game, you know.

( - TanqR POV - )
I paused for a moment. He had a point. But I couldn't allow him to leave—not yet. I can't have Kreek betraying me and Hoopie. I couldn't risk it. I'll have to make him kill people. As horrible as it sounds, it's better for him to get used to it. It'll make living "normally" as a monster easier for Kreek.

"There are too many RWMO members here. Besides, isn't it better to stay in this area to avoid encountering that Iron Man ripoff again?" I replied finally.

"If anything, Lego will know we're here," Kreek pointed out. "The best option would be to go into hiding for a bit."

Crap, he does have a point, I thought. How am I supposed to—? Never mind. I forgot that he can read minds. Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it.

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