Chapter 6 - Brewing Hatred

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( - TanqR POV - )

"Are you saying that monsters have ways of turning humans into monsters?" Kreek exclaimed.

"I'm not sure. I just know that the monster I killed turned me into one of them." I replied.

"I don't think being near a monster is safe." Kreek worried. He quickly added, "Because the instincts of monsters are to kill people and eat them to survive, and you can't really fight instinct—"

I started laughing, interrupting. "The story I just told took place over 10 years ago. You really think I haven't learned how to control it?"

"Well...I suppose you would've eaten me earlier..." Kreek conceded.

"Exactly. So, now do you see why I can never be human again?" I asked.

"...kinda." Kreek replied.

"To be honest, I'd never be able to live with everything I've done. That was only my first kill, by the way. And now I'm Rank 3 out of every single monster worldwide." I explained.

"Oh...OH." Kreek realized.

"Yeah...I've killed a lot of people." I admitted. "Although, it doesn't bother me very much anymore. I have to eat people to survive, and that's how it works."

"Isn't that—" Kreek started.

"GET. AWAY. FROM. HIM." a familiar voice warned suddenly, claws appearing at Kreek's throat threateningly.

"Who—who are you?" Kreek demanded.

"Hoopie, he's a friend." I said.

"Him? But he's a human!" Hoopie protested.

"I know," I replied. "But I helped him, and in return, he saved my life."

"Pfft, saved you? How?" Hoopie asked.

"Do you know each other?" Kreek spoke up.

"Yeah, we're friends from a while back. My name's Hoopie." Hoopie introduced herself.

"I'm Kreek." Kreek replied.

"Hoopie, let him go. Devoun said the RWMO is coming soon, we have to go." I told Hoopie.

"What? The RWMO? But they don't usually stray from the war zone, why would they bother coming here?" Hoopie questioned.

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "But Devoun doesn't lie, especially since he thinks that peace can be achieved between monsters and humans. And...I'm starting to think that he may be right."

"Don't be ridiculous," Hoopie scoffed. "Monsters and humans have been at war for hundreds—if not thousands—of years."

"They're not all bad." I reasoned.

"They're not bad, but they kill us because we kill them to survive. That's how it works." Hoopie pointed out.

"Well, maybe it doesn't have to be that way forever." I shot back.

RYT Monster AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ