Chapter 5 - Flashback

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I wake up to screaming, flames, and smoke. The earth shakes as hundreds—if not thousands—of footsteps pound outside.

"WAKE UP!" my dad screams over and over again, standing over me and shaking me in a desperate attempt to wake me up. I bolt upright, alarmed.

"What's going on?" I ask. I've never seen anything like this before. But then again, I'm only 8 years old.

"TH-THERE ARE MONSTERS ATTACKING TH-THE TOWN! R-RUN!" my dad stutters out, his eyes full of tears from shock and fear. I notice he is covered in blood and injuries.

"Who did this to you?" I demand angrily.

"RUN! JUST RUN, AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" my dad tells me in a panic. I jump out of bed just as my dad collapses to the ground.

Debris begins raining down as the burning house caves in. I sprint out of the house to see people—screaming in fear—being pursued by monsters. Heartless, cruel beasts. I furiously pull out a pocketknife, preparing myself for a fight. Then, remembering my dad's words, I pause.

Should I—should I really start a fight with them? I wonder uncertainly. I decided against it and began to flee the town. I run in the direction of the fields, hoping that the fowl monsters wouldn't follow me there. As I'm running, I trip and fall to the ground. I was about to get back up when claws grab onto me and lift me up. However, they don't let go.

"Ay! Let me go!" I cry out. Through blurry vision, I see a monster in front of me. It has a crazed, wild look on its face, which starts to scare me. I try to struggle out of its grip, but it won't let go. Won't give in.

"Just cause you're a kid, I'll show you some mercy." the monster growls. I stare at it in fear, my heart pounding.

Am I going to die? What if—? Before I can finish the thought, the monster knocks me out.

I wake up later on in the day. Everything from before is...hazy, but I can somewhat remember most of it. I sit up. I notice a mask laying on the ground next to me.

It's probably to cover up that damn scar that was sliced into my face while I was knocked out, I realize.

As I reach for the mask, I freeze up. I stare at my hands, which have now been replaced with claws. I have horns at the top of my head, too. My mouth goes dry as realization strikes me, cold and hard.

I'd been turned into a monster.

But I'm not...I'm not like them...right? I'm not heartless. I won't kill anyone...I don't think. I put the mask in my pocket for later as I stand up.

NAHHH, NAHHH, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I think to myself in a panic. THERE AIN'T NO WAY.

I run back towards the town. I'm a lot faster now—and stronger. I soon reach the town in a very short amount of time. It was practically abandoned. Dried blood is spattered all over the ground, and the place is silent other than the whistling of the wind through the trees.

I spot a single person stumbling into an alleyway, injured. Before I know it, I'm moving towards them, creeping up on them without making a sound. Everything is dark for a moment, and when I regain my senses, the person is gone, a pool of blood below me. I'm covered head-to-toe in blood, yet the blood is not my own. I'm horrified, but at the same time, craving more.

What's—what's happening to me? I wonder.

"Hmph. So it was worth it." a voice muses behind me. I spin around instantly to see the same monster who'd turned me into one of them.

"YOU!" I accuse furiously, tackling them to the ground.

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down!" the monster exclaims.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" I scream, tearing open the monster's throat in pure rage. The monster cries out, then lays there lifelessly. Breathing fast—and still in shock—I stand back up and slide on the mask I'd been given earlier.

What have I done?

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