Prologue - How It All Started

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Once, long ago, monsters and humans lived in peace and harmony. Monsters helped humans, and humans helped monsters in return. Monsters had their own government, and so did humans. Things went well for a few decades, but humans began to fear monsters as they grew stronger and stronger.

Finally, the monster government snapped. The monsters were tired of being mistreated by humans, so they prepared to attack. The humans had no idea of what was coming until the monsters began to raid their cities. Countless lives were lost, both monster and human. The humans fought back, raising up their military.

War broke loose-the monsters, most untrained, using their special abilities to wreak havoc on the humans-and the human military, trained professionally to fight. However, the military wasn't trained to handle monsters, so they found themselves losing. Enraged, the human government created an organization called the RWMO-the "Rid the World of Monsters Organization." There, they trained humans to fight monsters. After years and years of living in constant fear of death, the humans pushed back. The monsters were forced to go into hiding, now fearing the RWMO. The humans thought that they had won. But they were wrong.

Thus, began the war that will last for centuries and go down in history. One side and one side only shall win. The monsters, who feast on human blood as key to survival, and the humans, who wish to destroy all the monsters.

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