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 "How's Elwin doing?" Hadley asked Maury.

"He'll live, but you were right. His profile ain't never gonna be the same. The bruising's gone down a lot, Bill says, but Elwin is obsessed with that new crook near the bridge of his nose."

"Poor fellah," Hadley said. "I know it's got to be a blow to his psyche. But Elwin's still a good-looking man. He's just not perfect anymore."

"Lou Edna's fit to be tied," Maury said.

Hadley remembered seeing Elwin Dollie entering Lou Edna's beauty shop. She had kept the secret of seeing them kiss during Lou's lunch break.

"How so?" asked Hadley.

"Well, the fact that Elwin got hurt chasin' some druggie just burns Lou Edna up. She says this whole county is going to the dogs. Makes me worry even more for Skippy, Hadley. I just lie awake at night and hope my boy ain't going down that trail, you know."

Hadley was glad that Maury had switched gears and gotten off Lou Edna and Elwin Dollie. Nothing like a slip of the tongue to let the cat out of the bag and reveal to her sister that Elwin was sweet on Lou.

"Skip is a good boy, Maury. He's just sensitive, that's all. How many other young bucks do you know who would have taken pity on an injured bird in distress by the side of the road. Most of the guys I know that are Skip's age would have just cruised right on by that poor hawk. But not our Skippy. You should have seen him, Maury. I was so proud of him. That bird has a good home on Skip's land."

"I wish you'd have taken a video of it," Maury said.

"You know, I plumb forgot about that camera until I was half-way to Ruth's. It was too late to go back for it, but I did get a couple of shots on my flip phone. They're so little though it's hard to make out anything. Sorry about that."

"That's okay," Maury said. "Skip was so excited when he saw me I didn't have to be there to visualize it all. I'm glad we've got Chester around to help out."

"You said it. Chester did a masterful job on that bird's feathers. It's like she was never injured. Ruth's going to pick Chester's brain and learn all his secrets. That man is a wonder, he really is. And don't worry so much about your son, Sis.

"I know I'm wasting my breath, but I've said it before, Skippy has a good head on his shoulders. He's just like Jubal. He keeps to himself, but there's nothing wrong with that. And he loves that mountain of his. He's transforming that old cabin up there all by himself. It's like he's bringing that old house back to life!

I'm proud of how he feels about the land and him wanting to protect it. So many of his generation are just into music, texting, and their phone. But not that boy."

"I know," said Maury. "Bill and I are lucky and blessed."

"You are," Hadley said. "And Skip gave me his word that he's not into anything shady. He's just a very busy young fellah, Maury. And it's time he made a nest of his own."

"You're right," Maury said. "Cutting the apron strings is hard."

"I know, but you'll get through it. When you feel anxious or worried, go soak your corns!"

"Hadley Pell! I've told you a million times, that's just a joke. I don't soak my feet."

"I know that," Hadley said, "and it's good to hear you laugh, Maury. I miss that laughter. I want to hear more of it."

"You will," said Maury. "I promise."

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