Start from the beginning

Tristan perked up "Us?"

"No." Hayden blurted.

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked to her "No?"

"Why?" Paris questioned the girl.

She shrugged "I just don't want to be queen."

"You don't want to be queen?" Paris scoffed "You, natural born prom queen and most popular girl in school?"

"What about you?" Hayden blurted "You be queen. You like to rule, rule us."

Paris shook her head "I'm going to be head of Parliament. I can't be queen."

"Be both." Hayden suggested.

"I can't be both."

Seeing her sisters panic, Rory stepped in "Why not? It's our government."

"It's not done that way." Paris argued.

"It can be though, let's vote." Hayden perked up and raised her hand "All in favour of Queen Paris?"

Paris' jaw clenched at not only the girls deflection of her duty and the sting that no one else raised their hand but Rory "Hayden."

"Henry VIII started a new church when the old one wouldn't allow divorce." Rory added.

"He also cut off his wife's head. Is he still your role model?" Paris shot back in frustration before turning to the younger Gilmore twin "Hayden, you're queen. Learn to live with the pitfalls of your scintillating personality, attractive bone structure and ridiculously shiny hair."

Hayden slumped but looked down at the dark waves dangling over her shoulder "It is shiny."

"Super shiny." Madeline chirped with a smile.

"I'll be the lady-in-waiting." Louise spoke up, leaning forward in her seat so the boys could get an eyeful of the cleavage she planned to show off "The one with the low-cut blue velvet renaissance dress."

Paris rolled her eyes "Lady-in-waiting is not a political office."

"No but they get all the sex." The blonde smirked, wiggling her fingers at Landon.

"What?" Paris scoffed.

Louise rolled her eyes and slumped back in her chair "Watch a movie."

"We are talking about government class not the movies." Paris ground out in frustration "God why can't I get one person to care about this as much as I do?!"

"Okay fine. I'll be the head of the Quarter Sessions court, but I'm still wearing the dress." Louise relented "Happy?"

"Out of my mind." Paris grumbled before the bell rang "Okay, so, I secured us the class room to work tomorrow and Sunday so that by Monday we'll be ready."

Madeline's eyes widened "We're working all weekend?"

"You're kidding." Louise scoffed "We have homecoming to prepare for. We need our weekends."

"It's three weeks away." Paris argued before passing out booklets she'd compiled for each of them "Take this. It's an outline for the entire system - point of methods, some basic laws and penalties plus some random ideas. Please be ready to discuss it tomorrow 9:00 in the morning, don't be late."

Hayden pursed her lips as she flicked through "Of course she designed a flag."

With a sigh, Hayden grabbed her book-bag and got to her feet, making her way out of the classroom. Footsteps pounded behind her before much to her chagrin Tristan had fallen in step with her "Well, my Queen." She rolled her eyes and sped up but was soon stopped by his hand on her arm. When she whirled to face him, eyes wide he quickly let go and cleared his throat "So, uh, the Homecoming dance coming up and I was wondering..."

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