Chapter 22 Penelope & Charles

Start from the beginning

"Hi" Penelope says walking in

"Emilliee this is Penelope and Charles there going to be adopting your daughter" Her mom tells her

"Hi" She says looking at them

Penelope looks at Chase thinking Emilliee was very young to have just had a baby, but then again Kylene was young when she had one too.

Chase gave her a look that said not to say anything about it.

"So she's yours?" Penelope says and Chase shakes his head wondering why Penny really needed to ask that.

"Yup well she was until you guys got here, now shes all yours. I didn't even name her so you can choose whatever name you want. She's healthy she just went to the doctors about a week ago, she's was just a premie so shes really small, shes almost a month old. But I am ready for you guys to take her, I'm not fit or do I want to be a mother." She says as Chase and Penny listen.

"Okay, so shes healthy right? We won't have to worry about any medical issues when we arrive home right?" Chase says worried that since she was a premie and from a teen mother especially one that didn't want her that there could be more medical issues then she was telling them.

"She was last week, so yeah she should be fine." Emilliee shrugs

"Okay thanks.." Chase says feeling like she didn't really care about the baby.

"Oh and this is a closed adoption, so I don't want any contact with you guys and her, or her when she's older. I don't want you to send any updates or pictures. To me she was just a mistake I made, and by you adopting her your taking it away from me and helping me. I don't want to ever remember I had her okay? You can just tell her your her real parents." Emily tells them

"Okay yeah I saw that it was a closed adoption.. I'll be sure to not send you any pictures or updates...We do plan on telling her she was adopted when she is older, I can't just lie to her by saying she wasn't..I'm sorry to hear that you think of her as a mistake..Because she is a beautiful not a mistake.." Penelope frowns then looks over at Alice and smiles again

"Well she was a mistake to me, if you could just take her and go that would be great." She says and Amanda looks at her and shrugs kind of agreeing

Emilliee rolls her eyes

Penelope looks at Amanda "It's okay, she's right that's why we came, we will take her and go" She walks over to the bouncer and carefully picks Alice up

"Come on Alice, lets get you to your new home" Penelope smiles bouncing her softly she looked like she had been wearing the same onesie for days it was gross and so was her blanket. she smelled some and just didn't look like she was taken care of very well since she was born.

Chase noticed too and frowns as Penelope looks at him

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