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The pirates had docked in Weddle Harbor, people ran fast away from their ship as they saw the black veils. And she smiled, proud of her reputation.

They had to be fast to not alert any authorities greatly, but they needed the resources from this harbour. They had recently encountered a royal ship full of gold, which is now in her quarters.

She got off the ship, loosing her black and gold coat that would be easily recognized to a cotton blouse, with a leather vest tightly around her torso and black trousers, but she could not leave her beloved hat, that still sat over her golden curls.

Now she looked like anyone, not a mighty pirate. Deyanira whistled as she passed through the stands of Zemeni people, swiftly picking up an apple with fast hands and leaving the place as if the apple was always hers.

The blonde woman noticed a strange commotion near her. But she knew better than snooping around, shrugging she turned and walked the other way. She had enough problems as it is.

Weddle Harbour was probably one of her favorite places to dock on, partly because she almost never got in trouble, but because it was rather beautiful, it brought something nostalgic in her that she quickly shut down.

Turning in one corner she found the public library, and smiled. As she was throwing away her already eaten apple someone knocked her over while they were running.

"Whoa!" She fell to the floor and another woman fell besides her. Deyanira looked up and found a half- shu woman staring back at her. "Look, where you're going, mate"

Of course, the blonde woman knew who the raven haired girl was, and of course she knew if she were to trap her, it would maintain her and her crew for life but trapping her went with many problems one of them being that she was trying to stay out of trouble for a while.

After months she had finally lost the Privateer Stormhund who had tracked her everywhere she went, she had started to think the gold she stole from him was not even worth the hassle of him.

She entered the library, and was instantly hit with the smell of books. Old, new, it didn't matter it was comforting to her. As if her feet already knew the way, she was led to the history section, she went to the end of the row, where the old books that no one cared about where, she stuck her arm between some books and started to feel around until her fingers finally touched what she was looking for, taking out her arm she finally saw the dusty book in her hands.

The history of the Golden age: The Gaeliar Kingdom

The words were almost faded out and some of the pages seemed to be falling out but she didn't care as she smiled down at the book and blowed the dust away.

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