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A blonde woman stood at the quarterdeck of her ship. Her hands relaxed as they rested on the helm of and her hair flowing with the salty air.

She saw something in the horizon, at first she thought it to be only a mirage, but as they got nearer she pulled out her spyglass and looked through it.

It was a ship, and a rather wealthy looking one. She smirked as she pulled the spyglass away and back to her pocket.

"Ship in sight!" She shouted across her ship grabbing the attention of her crew. "Prepare for boarding, prepare the cannons and lower the sails!"

Deyanira heard as everyone of her crew men started moving around the deck and under like a practiced dance and in a way many of the men had already do this hundreds of times, since they were teenagers until they grew old; All of her men were loyal to her until the end, she made sure of it, or else they will be throw overboard never to be seen again.

"Come on! Get a move on!" She shouted as she looked over the railing. "If we do this you will all get a full hot meal every day for a week!"

A round of 'aye's' was heard from everyone in the ship. Excitement at the reward lighten in their eyes. And although she never starved her crew, feeding all of her men everyday did not always guaranteed it being hot or good.

"Prepare yourselves!" She shouted once more when they were reaching the side of their ships. The Blanca sails flowed proudly along with the black flag with a embroidered golden sun in the center. Some of the men had climbed into the ropes so they could jump into the ship as soon as it was near enough and other men were waiting patiently by the side of the ship. "Now!"

She could see how the crew on the other ship also prepared themselves for the attack, probably already aware of who they were. But as soon as she yelled her command her crew was swinging to the other ship. Deyanira ran down the quarter deck and to the side were the anchor was strapped, grunting she pulled the lever down hearing the satisfying noise of the chain meeting the water.

Quickly she ran to the post of the crow nest and climbed until she was at the top, a rope was hanging besides it. She tightly curled her hand around it as she got on the railing of the nest. With a deep breath she jumped.


Nikolai did not expect to be attacked by pirates so early in the morning, and he could've easily avoided their ship by asking his squaller to speed up, but when he saw the flags that waved in that ship, especially the embroidered golden sun he was more than intrigued.

He had to know who this feared pirate was, and what made him so. He waited until the ship had reached them and watched with crossed arms as pirates filled his ship and his men skillfully evade them  but something distracted him.

In the air, like a dove, a figure swung into his ship, because the figure was in front of the sun the shadow covered it's face but he saw the golden hair that illuminated around it like the halo of a saint and noticeable curves behind the coat she wore. The vision in front of him was so beautiful maybe he had died and seen an angel.

He watched as she landed gracefully on the deck and fought off someone that came at her, while she was distracted he went back into his office and waited for there for the the fearsome captain.

After some minutes finally someone slammed the door open. It was her.

"Saints..." he muttered as he finally saw her beautiful face. She was the most ethereal woman he had ever seen in his life.

"Who are you?" She asked as she took out a gun that was strapped to the back of her belt and pointed at him.

"Privateer Stormhund, the owner of whose ship you just attacked" he leaned back on his chair. "May I have the pleasure of knowing who is raiding my ship?"

"Captain Malsagov"

"Malsagov" he repeated the name and the looked at her with a shining smirk "I know I saw the ship, but I'm asking your name, beautiful"

"Did I not just say it?" She asked and moved around the room finding a rope and moving to him as she still pointed at him. He had a confused face as she grabbed his hands and tied them together. Tightly.

"You are telling me, you are captain Malsagov 'the killer of men' and the most feared of the true sea?" His eyes found hers and she saw the pool of brown in his eyes. "I'm impressed"

"Why? Because I'm a woman?" She moved around the room opening the drawers and taking out things.

"No, because you managed to fool me, not a lot people do that"

"Well, Stormhund, you are not the only one" his heart did flips when she said his name, even though it wasn't the real one, a word from her lips made his heart beat rapidly.

"Ouch, my sun, right in the ego"

"You'll do well knocking you off your high pedestal, I've never met a man so self centered in the five seconds of knowing him"

"And I've never met a woman so beautiful in my twenty years alive"

She scoffed as she started to look in his desk drawers and found a very big bag of golden coins.

"Are you one of those that don't like being called beautiful? well, I can also see you are quite smart and brave, I admire that in a woman, will you marry me?"

"Did you hit your head? Or a you just stupid?"

"Stupidly in love with you, yes, my sun"

"We just met"

"Call it love at first sight then" he smiled at her from his seat as she looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I'm stealing your gold"

"It's technically your gold if you marry me" his smile just got bigger as he said those words.

"Nice to meet you, Stormhund, I hope we never meet again, this was the weirdest interaction I've ever had"

"I'll dream of you, my sun"

And Nikolai's sun left his ship, with his heart in her hand and his gold in her pocket.

She speaks!
Prologues are not my forte so I'm sorry but I swear it gets better 🤞

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