CH2. The Games Begin.

Start from the beginning

"Yet, this is as far as you go."

Flashing sultry eyes with a noticeable glint of confidence, I pull away.
He simply stares, analyzing me in a way I still can't discern.
"Since you let me into a space reserved for a lover, would you say we're more than strangers?" He questions slyly.
"Not at all. A game of lovers can be played among strangers."
"And if that resolve you have to keep a distance, breaks?"
"Then maybe an acquaintance."
"Even if we became lovers?"
Giving him a look of curiosity and coldness, my lips curl into a sweet innocent smile.
"Lovers are just strangers sharing a bed in the end, so why would that change your worth to me?"

The moment I was afraid would never come, finally appears.
A look of intrigue and amusement in his eyes, with the evident expression of being pleased. The target's interested in me, more than I thought he'd be.
A woman who's not bad to look at, and mannered when necessary. A woman who's reserved and meek, while holding a side of a vixen. A woman who's empathetic and kind, while having no desire of being coddled—a woman who won't be attached.
Elise Barrington is definitely the kind of entity he's drawn to.

"It seems we'll get along quite well then." He chuckles, holding my hand again.
"And why do you think that?"
"Because we're the same."
"Because I don't see importance to having attachment to a lover?"
"Because you're a liar."

His eyes turn into a gaze that radiates of ferocity and shows the eyes he always seems to have, cold and beguiling.

"A liar? Isn't everyone a liar in the midst of a stranger?" I giggle, meeting his stare with a look of ferocity and confusion.
"You hide more secrets than what you claim to have."
"Just because I refused your advance?"
He chuckles lightly, signaling at a waiter for drinks.
"Because a woman in company of me should never be on guard."
"What makes you think I'm on guard?"
"What makes you think you're not?"

A charming, sensual grin spreads on his lips. Slightly stunned by the corner he's backing me into, I smile, giving the best innocent giggle Miss. Barrington can give.

"Oh dear. You've bested me." I sigh, nodding to the waiter who brings two mysterious drinks.
"Care to share with the victor?" Mr. Lennox simply slides the drink in the specialty cocktail glass towards me.
"Depends on what's in this glass?"
"A pisco sour. Something most of my... companions enjoy."
"Well then, I think someone as considerate as you, would be a better owner to this."
Sliding the cocktail in front of him, I whisk the glass from his light clutch.
Holding the glass up to him, I signal a cheers. His eyes glaze over to the cocktail in front of him, and back to my eyes.
"If I'm a guest, shouldn't I drink what I'd like?" I give a sly smile.
"If that's to your liking, I'll gladly switch."

Lifting the cocktail glass, he lightly clinks against the crystal glass in my hand. Taking a sip, I realize it's a negroni. The licorice taste overwhelming my tongue, and the potent bitter orange peel scent lingering in the back of my throat.

"Seems I was right. The cocktail suits you more." I giggle, setting the glass down.
"What makes you think that?"
"It seems you cater the drinks so your companions, will always have a beverage they'll enjoy. A gentlemen as considerate as you suits such a cocktail."
"And why would consideration make me a better owner?" Leaning closer to me, a curious grin never leaves his lips.
"It's sweet, refreshing, and a bit addictive. Shall I continue, or will you spare a lady of saying such embarrassing words?" I give a coy smile as if flustered and embarrassed, yet keeping the sultry tone and look in my eyes.

Holding the pisco sour to my lips, he waits for my lips to accept it. Taking a sip of the cocktail, my eyes continue to meet his gaze. The tart smooth cocktail envelops my tongue, sliding down my throat.

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