Parody 2

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Author1/me: another one we made out of boredom while writing and made this for fun The parody was named YouTube Shadow. Enjoy reading 


  Ella and Ash watched YouTube on the TV in their house Bulma got them as they watched Shadow the hedgehog channel/YouTuber.   they hide in the house from Vegeta to get away from training.   Sonic and Shadow on the TV argued. You think Vegeta will find us asked Ash. Maybe I mean Bulma made this to were even Goku can't find us and I mean we have a house in a cave I think it's safe as long as he didn't follow us said Ella.   someone knocked on the door. Who is it Yelled Ash.   Ella walked to the door and looked in the peep hole to see Shadow,Sonic and Austin.   she opened the door.   Ash kept watching YouTube. So how exactly did you find this place asked Ella. "We were racing and then we found this place." said Sonic.   Austin was breathing heavily. "The kid came in last." said Shadow, pointing to Austin. Want to come in for something to drink said Ella.   Ash kept watching the TV.   then someone on the TV yelled it was someone acting like Shadow. "What is that? Why do I hear 'blue hedgehog'?" asked Shadow. It's called YouTube and we were watching a YouTuber while trying to hide here from Vegeta said Ella.   Ella stepped to the side to let them in.   Shadow walked to the TV to see the Youtuber. "Is that me!?" yelled Shadow. Yeah it is said Ella. "How is this possible?" asked Shadow, as he observed to see that the voice was different and the person was hardly anything like him. "Oh, another android." said Shadow. Yeah he hardly acts like you I know said Ella.   then TV shadow screamed something about rouge.   Ella got a glass of water for Austin.   Ella handed Austin the glass.   Ash looked and walked to Shadow then Hugged Shadows leg then went back to watching the TV. Shadow was utterly shocked by what he was seeing. Both, shocked, and disgusted. sis can I change the YouTuber said Ash. Yeah sure said Ella. Then she exited the video and Shadow took a deep sigh of relief.   the YouTuber now was Dawko. Is he okay asked Ella.   Asher walked down some stairs that were in the house in training clothes. Why are you in training clothes said Ella. Waiting for Vegeta to get here since you know he will said Asher   he sat on the couch.   Shadow and Ash sat down on the couch watching Youtube. Then after they watched Dawko a YouTube edit of Sonadow showed up.  Shadow screamed in horror. "Shads, what's your deal?" said Sonic, walking towards them, then looking at the TV. Sonic also screamed in horror.   Ash turned the TV off. I think I need bleach they sucking each other's faces in the picture said Ash.   Shadow and Sonic were too disturbed. "Chaos Control!" yelled Shadow, stopping time.   Shadow unplugged the TV from the wall and threw it out of the cave, therefore breaking it. Then time resumed.   Ella walked into the closet and grabbed another TV and plugged it back in but kept it off. That was cursed said Ella. End of Parody. 

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