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"Yeah!" Michael says enthusiastically, grinning. He's really cute. An absolute ray of sunshine. He's almost always happy.

"Cute." Jared (I think that's his name) says. He offers a supportive smile that lasts about 0.5 seconds.

He seems like the kind of person that I want to stay on his good side. Like, seriously. He looks fake-innocent, the kind of person who could get away with anything. Murder. Arson.

I did not get away with arson. I mean, well... Sort of? I didn't get arrested or anything. But I got caught and hurt. So technically not good.

But this Jared kid... He could burn down Jake's house and walk away unharmed and unsuspicious.

His friend, Evan. He looks like the total opposite. He would never burn someone's house down, and he would turn himself in if he did. He wouldn't commit murder. I don't think that he's ever even touched a butter knife from the kitchen. He's innocent.

So, two polar opposites. Yet, here they are, and they seem to get along really well. Maybe...

I probably shouldn't ask. But Jared was confident... But I shouldn't.

As I debate my options, Michael makes the decision for me.

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